Computational Design Technologies

In the scope of the introductory activities of the project, the present task surveys the current state-of-the art in computational design technologies. Among the wide landscape of digital design tools, the computational ones emerge as those that can promote non-standard design approaches to architectural conception, development and construction. Going beyond of the simple representation of fixed geometries in the screen, computational design technologies allow architects to use calculation as a generative design strategy to conceive, edit and transform geometries in the screen. But this possibility must not be considered solely in the design domain.

To make viable the exploration of variation and uniqueness in architectural design and construction, the whole architectural process should embrace those technologies. For instance, the exploration of a certain complex geometry would require specific engineering calculation procedures and flexible manufacturing processes for its materialization.  William  J.  Mitchell,  Branko  Kolarevic  and  Daniel  Shodeck  wrote seminal publications where this computational ecosystem for architectural design is analyzed, both in terms of its historical precedents and its future directions.

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