Scaling Boxes

In this grasshopper example file you can generate a series of tapering boxes and control the height, width and length.

Fibonacci Stairs

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric staircase inspired by the fibonacci sequence.

3D Weave Pattern

In this grasshopper exaample file, you can create a complex 3D pattern based on two layers of rectangles connected in both vertical and horizontal axes.

Brep Voronoi

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a Voronoi structure inside a brep.

Nuclei Voronoi

In this grasshopper example file, you can manipulate a series of particles to follow a voronoi path using the Nuclei plugin.

Ivy Generator

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a randomly generated plants by using the Ivy-Generator plugin.

Space Colonization

In this grasshopper script you can create a tree like structure with the space Colonization Algorithm by defining a series of targets and starting points.

Parametric Table

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Parametric table with a recrusive 3D pattern and by using the Dendro plugin.

Field Dome

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric field based pattern on a dome using the Nursery plugin.

Hexagonal Grid

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a 3d hexagonal grid on a surface by using the WeaverBird plugin.

Decay Sphere

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a 3d parametric grid on a sphere by using the Dendro plugin.

Gyroid Table

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric table with a Gyroid pattern by using the Axolotl plugin.

Parametric Joint

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric joint for a table by using the Biber plugin.

Parakeet Maze

In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric maze on a mesh by using the Parakeet Plugin.

Grasshopper Nursery (Field Carving)

Field Carving

In this Grasshopper example file, You can carve a field based pattern on a mesh using the Nursery and Dendro plugins.

Deployable Bridge

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can design a parametric deployable Bridge By using the Anemone Plugin

Reciprocal Frame

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric reciprocal frame by using the ngon Plugin.

Ngon HexDivide

In this grasshopper ngon example file, you can design parametric hexagram bricks by using the HexDivide component from the ngon plugin.

TPS Pavilion

In this Grasshopper example file, You can model a simple parametric pavilion using the TPS plugin.

Lattice Dress

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a lattice pattern on a dress by using the Axolotl plugin.

Voxelized Table

In this Grasshopper script, you can design a parametric Voxelized Table by using the Sasquatch plugin.

Sphere Collide

In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate a differential growth pattern on a curve by using the sphere collide component from the Kangaroo plugin .

Chain Simulation

In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate a structure using chain simulations from the Spider plugin.

Field Projection

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a field and then project it on a Nurbs surface.
