Criss Cross Necklace Grasshopper3d Mesh+ Weaverbird

Criss Cross Necklace

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric necklace by using the criss cross component of mesh+.

Mesh Loft Table Grasshopper3d Weaverbird plugin

Mesh Loft Table

In this grasshopper example file you can create a mesh loft and subdivide it by the T+3 subdivision component.

Floor Lamp Grasshopper3d weaverbird plugin

Floor Lamp

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric floor lamp with orthogonal lines.

Petal Formation Grasshopper3d Definition

Petal Formation

In this grasshopper example file you can model a series of parametric petals by using the graph mapper component.

Santa Hat Grasshopper3d Definition Kangaroo NGon Plugin

Santa Hat

In this grasshopper example file you can use the kangaroo plugin to model a differential growth on a mesh.

Organic Standing Lamp Grasshopper3d Definition Dendro physarealm plugin

Organic Standing Lamp

In this grasshopper example file you can model an agent-base simulation to design a standing lamp by using the Physarealm and Dendro Plugin combined.

Balloon Dog Grasshopper Definition Weaverbird Kangaroo Plugin

Balloon Dog

In this grasshopper example file you can use the kangaroo plugin to simulate a balloon dog (an art work from Jeff Koons).

Curve Agents Grasshopper3d Definition Zebra Plugin

Curve Agents

In this grasshopper definition, you can simulate agents following a curve and also control their properties and flocking parameters by using the Zebra plugin.

Spiral Tornado Grasshopper3d Definition

Spiral Tornado

In this grasshopper definition you can create a spiral from intersection of a series of twisted rectangles.

Rainbow Cone Grasshopper3d Definition

Rainbow Cone

In this grasshopper definition by connecting the interior edges of polygons and twisting them from both sides you can create a conical shape made of stripes.

Circular Diamonds Grasshopper3d Definition

Circular Diamonds

In this grasshopper definition, we have used two parametric circles to generate these circular diamonds. This definition is a good example to learn how to use Dispatch in grasshopper.

Parakeet Star Pattern I Grasshopper3d Definition

Parakeet Star Pattern I

In this grasshopper definition, you can model a Parametric islamic pattern using the Parakeet Plugin. The pattern is a Geometrical method for designing Islamic Patterns (Based on a method presented by Craig S. Kaplan).

Noise on Strips Grasshopper3d Definition

Noise on Strips

In this grasshopper definition by creating a series of circles and connecting them vertically, you can create strips that move by the Perlin noise algorithm.

Image to curve500

Image to Curve

In this grasshopper definition, you can easily convert an image to a series of curves by using the Rooster plugin.

twisted stars500

Twisted Stars

In this grasshopper definition by dividing a base circle and connecting each point to a shifted list and using the “Region union” component you can create a closed star polyline. Finally, you can twist the extrusion by rotating the sections.

Hexagonal tiles500

Hexagonal Tiles

In this grasshopper definition you can create two series of intersected hexagonal grids and create new regions from the intersection.

voxelized twiste-500

Voxelized Twist

In this grasshopper definition by generating series of plane which rotate with Perlin Noise algorithm
you can create circles from those planes and connect them to each other and finally you can create a volume from the
resulted pattern by using Dendro Plugin.

colorful stripes500

Colorful Stripes

In this grasshopper definition by adding noise to a series of particles you can create animated strips. At last you can add colour to them,
which is also based on the noise.


2d Noise on Curves

In this grasshopper definition by generating a Noise from the “Fractals” Plugin and applying them on a series of Particles, surrounding a base circle, you can create interesting noise patterns.

Game of Life 500

Game Of Life

BY using this grasshopper definition inspired by Gediminas kiredeikis, you can model a sample of “game of life” and control the rules.

Customizable Face Mask 500

Customizable Face Mask

In this grasshopper definition, you can generate a parametric face mask by spliting parts of the face mesh and use pufferfish to give it a symmetric look. Finally, use mesh+ plugin to give it some borders.

Enneper twist01

Enneper Twist

In this grasshopper definition, you can create a series of different forms and geometries by changing the domain of a trimmed Enneper surface.

Islamic Pattern

you can make a parametric Islamic pattern with this python component and by changing the point attractor you can transform the pattern in the X-Y direction.

Skewed Lines Grasshopper3d Definition

Skewed Lines

In this grasshopper definition by using a rectangle’s diameter and extracting two points on it you can generate a series of skewed lines.

Attractor Triangles Grasshopper3d Definition

Attractor Triangles

In this Grasshopper definition, you can use a series of point attractors to change the scale of a square grid and then connect the corners to the middle of the scaled border.

Net On Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish dendro plugin

Net On Surface

In this grasshopper definition by using the “Net On Surface” component from Pufferfish Plugin you can create a series of interpolated curves on multiple connected surfaces and also use the Dendro plugin to give it some thickness.

Curve Mapping Grasshopper3d Definition 3D Pattern Parakeet Lunchbox Plugin

Curve Mapping

In this grasshopper definition by using the Parakeet’s pattern genotype inside an hexagon, you can model a parametric pattern model.

Pattern Generator Grasshopper3d Definition

Pattern Generator

In this example file we want to show you how you can use the Dispatch Component to generate Different Patterns with controlling True & False. You can learn this process step by step.
