Optimized Column

In this Grasshopper example file You can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a central Column for supporting the floor slabs.

Physarealm Growth

In this grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to simlulate a series of growing particles on a surface .

Table Topology Optimization

In this grasshopper Example file you can use the Topos Plugin to optimize a table based on Topology Optimization. First you have to define the constraints and alos the surface you want to reach.

Topology Column

In this grasshopper example file you can simulate a parametric toplogy optimization for a column using the Topos Plugin.

parametric stool

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric stool based on a series of agents and their flocking behaviour using the Culebra Plugin .

tOpos Bridge

In this grasshopper example file you can design an optimized bridge using tOpos plugin.

3D Puzzle Grasshopper3d Fabrication

3D Puzzle

In this grasshopper example file you can model a laser-cut optimized 3D-Puzzle and also extract the joints, the final curves and the nesting 2D sheets.

tOpos Table Grasshopper3d

tOpos Table

In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a stand for a table.

optimized vase500

Optimized Vase

In this grasshopper definition, you can connect your geometrical parametrs to the “gene” input of Biomorpher Plugin. After that, you can select between different designs and choose the preferred generated parent.

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Shell Structure

In this grasshopper definition by using the 3D graphic static plugin you can model an optimized structure.

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Graphic Static Bridge

In this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.

Structural Wave Grasshopper3d Definition millipede plugin

Structural Wave

In this Grasshopper definition, you can model a wave-like structure with graph mappers. Then you can use the Millipede plugin to analyze the form. This will give you an overview of which surfaces will give you a better parametric roof structure.

Bounding Box Opt. Grasshopper3d Definition

Bounding Box Opt.

In this definition you can learn how to optimize a bounding box of a solid by using Galapagos and by rotating it around the x,y,z axis. Finally you can use a few simple commands to visualize some of the Data in the rhino viewport.
