Rotating Fractal Grasshopper3d Definition

Simple Polygon

In this definition you can make a fractal rotating polygon by using the Anemone plugin. First we are going to explode the curve to its segments and then evaluate a point on the edges. This recursive algorithm will produce the final rotating polygons.

Curves Cocoon Grasshopper3d Definition

Curves Cocoon

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Cocoon plugin to create a voxelized mesh with a set of custom curves and a series of parameters which can change the parametric shape.

Perlin Noise Sphere Grasshopper3d Definition

Perlin Noise Sphere

In this definition we will use Perlin noise as the base deformation of a sphere. Perlin noise is a type of gradient noise developed by Ken Perlin in 1983.

Parametric Wave Grasshopper Definition

Parametric Wave

In this grasshopper definition you can use the point attractor technique combined with Heteroptera plugin to model a wavy like surface.

L System Grasshopper Definition

L System

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Rabbit Plugin to produce a parametric L-System by defining rules and number of agents (Turtles). The Starting position has been found on a sphere

Wandering Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Wandering Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can create a simple simulation of attraction through agent base modeling and traces are captured, by using Heteroptera Plugin.

Tile Aggregation Grasshopper Definition

Tile Aggregation

In this grasshopper definition you can aggregate a custom module (Tile) by defining junctions using Fox Plugin.


In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric 3D voronoi form which is inspired by a code written by Co-de-iT and named Vorospace.

Complex Field Grasshopper Definition

Complex Field

In this grasshopper definition you can create field which is made by grid of points and thicken them by Variable sweep in Heteroptera plugin.

Offset Variable

by using the Peacock plugin (Offset variable component) you can simply offset a curve with variable numbers and define if you want it to offset from both sides, how to connect at the end and control the Bulge.
