Perlin Noise Pottery

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a a parametric shape by defining a series of circles with a Perlin noise function controlling the radiuses. At the end we will use the Dendro Plugin to voxelize the final shape.

Physarealm Simulation Grasshopper Definition

Physarealm Simulation

In this definition we have used agent based modeling to simulate growth of the agents and reaching the food source by using the Physarealm plugin.

Diamond Panel Grasshopper Definition

Diamond Panel

In this grasshopper definition a 2d pattern panel is created using the diamond panels of the Lunch box plug-in and different variants of the diamond panel is created using basic components to control thickness and shape.

L System Grasshopper Definition

L System

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Rabbit Plugin to produce a parametric L-System by defining rules and number of agents (Turtles). The Starting position has been found on a sphere

Jellum Bulger Grasshopper Definition

Jellum Bulger

In this grasshopper definition you can use the Jellum force (a force which affects a grid of points) and change the strength and position to produce a deformed 3d grid and finally voxelize the curves and points to produce a 3d parametric form.

Point to Volume Grasshopper Definition

Point to Volume

In this grasshopper definition you can use a 3d point cloud to voxelize the final parametric form by using the Dendro plugin.

3D Voxel Pattern Grasshopper Definition

3D Voxel Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by generating a truncated cubic grid you can give volume to it by using Dendro’s plugin voxel method. We have also used the Parakeet plugin to change the form.

Wandering Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Wandering Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can create a simple simulation of attraction through agent base modeling and traces are captured, by using Heteroptera Plugin.

Shortest Walk Grasshopper Definition

Shortest Walk

In this definition you can use the shortest walk plugin to produce a venation pattern between a series of random points.

Point Proximity Grasshopper Definition

Point Proximity

In this grasshopper definition you are able to fill any closed brep through Populate-3d and Populate-Geometry components and connecting each point to the nearest points then thicken and weld the network that has been generated by using Weaverbird Plugin and Fatten component.

Millipede Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Iso-surface Millipede

In this Grasshopper Definition the isosurface component from the Millipede plugin has been used to create the isosurface mesh. Iso value defines the effective field around each point and merge vertices is set to true to produce smoother mesh around some corners.

Flow Path Grasshopper3d Parakeet plugin

Flow Path

In this Parakeet Plugin Example you can use the Flow Path component to Generate a [Discrete] Fluid Flow Path on a Mesh.

Particle Swarm

In this grasshopper definition, you can run a particle base swarm moving through the closest vector field component made by pufferfish and anemone plugin. The Anemone Plugin is used to make the iterations and control the loops.

Artistic Rotation

In this Parakeet Plugin Example You can make a series of rotating curves by using the “Reflection Point” component. By connecting the polylines to the Fatten plugin you can have a colourful visualization of these rotating curves.

Kangaroo Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Kangaroo Form

In this Grasshopper definition by using the Kangaroo’s Warp & Weft component we can control different tensile forces on the mesh and then by snapping the naked edge’s point to a series of circles we can control the final tensile tunnel.

Parakeet Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Parakeet Spaceframe

In this definition by using the Lunchbox spaceframe component and the Parakeet’s Truncate tool we can make a recrusive 3d pattern. You can change the Truncation distance to make the pattern grow or shrink and by changing the Iteration you can define the number of loops.

Pufferfish Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Pufferfish twist

In this definition you can use the Pufferfish’s plugin component called Retrans which Recursively transform geometry to get a self-referential step sequence of transformed geometry.

Kangaroo Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Kangaroo Relaxed

In this Kangaroo example by defining a box without caps and using the Edge Lengths tool we will have a tensile structure. Simply by setting the length factor to zero and defining the right anchors we can model a minimal surface.

Parakeet Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Truncated Hexa

In this grasshopper definition you can create a Truncated hexagonal grid and then add a pattern to it. You can rotate or scale the pattern with a point attractor and then finally offset the curves.

Recursive Morph grasshopper3d pufferfish plugin

Recursive Morph

In this definition we have used the Pufferfish’s “Recrusive Morph Mesh” to produce patterns on a mesh. This component Recursively morphs mesh geometries onto a base mesh.

Tensile Kangaroo

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric tensile structure by using the Kangaroo2 Plugin. The corners of the mesh has been used as the anchors.

Parakeet Plugin Example Grasshopper Definition

Parakeet Patterns

In this grasshopper definition you can generate several parakeet patterns through panelized surfaces using lunchbox and parakeet plugin.

Pufferfish Tween

Pufferfish Tween

In this pufferfish plugin example you can use the Tween through Surface component to produce surfaces between multiple target surfaces and control their count and distribution.

Tensile Form Grasshopper3d

Tensile Form

In this grasshopper definition you can make a tensile surface with elastic features. The plugins which has been used is kangaroo physics and weaverbird.

Mesh+ Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Mesh Snubbed

In this definition you can use the Mesh+ “Snubbed Antiprism” which can add an advanced effect on any faces of a mesh and it’s called the antiprism extrusion. There are several options which you can change such as height of the cells or the offset from the center. You can also smooth the final result.

Parakeet Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Parakeet Knit

In this definition you can use the Parakeet’s “Knit” component which Generates a Knitted Pattern on a Surface. First you have to define the base surface (NURBS) and then you can define the number of divisions in the U,V direction , The height of the curves and the degree.

Reaction Diffusion Grasshopper3d Weaverbird

Reaction Diffusion

In this grasshopper definition you can make pseudo reaction diffusion using Weaverbird Plugin. This grasshopper definition is inspired by Junichiro Horikawa.

Tile Aggregation Grasshopper Definition

Tile Aggregation

In this grasshopper definition you can aggregate a custom module (Tile) by defining junctions using Fox Plugin.


In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric 3D voronoi form which is inspired by a code written by Co-de-iT and named Vorospace.

Complex Field Grasshopper Definition

Complex Field

In this grasshopper definition you can create field which is made by grid of points and thicken them by Variable sweep in Heteroptera plugin.
