Diagonalize tower

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, we will learn how to model a parametric tower by defining two curves and then diagonalizing the mesh.

Multipipe Kangaroo

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, we will learn how to create a mesh with controllable anchor points and n-gon polygons.

Contour Techniques

In this Grasshopper contour tutorial, we will learn how to extract a series of solids from a part of a mesh by defining the direction and length with a single line.

Curve to Mesh

In this Grasshopper short tutorial we will analyze an algorithm which you can easily convert a series of curves into a mesh and then convert it into a series of stacking solids.

Bridge Brep

In this Grasshopper Example file, you can create a bridge between two Brep faces by specifying a connection line and defining the connection rectangle.

Shifted Floors

In this Grasshopper Architecture tutorial, we will model a parametric building by defining a deformed rectangular plan and combining the floors and roofs of each level.

Parametric Facade

In this Grasshopper Architecture tutorial, we will model a parametric facade with vertical elements controlled either by random lengths or a NURBS curve.

Polyine to Structure

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, we will use an algorithm based on a closed polyline and curve inner boundaries to model a parametric structure.

Kangaroo Tensile

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, we will use the EdgeLengths component to design a simple tensile structure.

Parametric Dress

In this Grasshopper Weaverbird example file, you can create a parametric dress by wrapping ngon meshes around an imported mesh of a body.

Lunchbox Diagrid+

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we will take a look at an algorithm which we have converted a NURBS surface into a multipipe mesh structure by using the Lunchbox plugin.

Rectangular Fractal Art

In this grasshopper3d tutorial you can learn how to generate a parametric rectangular fractal art by using the anemone plugin and extract some useful data for fabrication.

Parametric Facade

In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric facade using curve attractors and a boundary curve defining the entrance.

Millipede Kangaroo

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo Millipede example file, you can simulate a rectangular concrete shell under pressure with openings.

Attractor Wall

In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric wall by defining point attractors and control the deformation with graph mappers.

Parametric Shade

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, we will create a parametric shade for a series of rectangular windows and then analyze their shadow projection using the Ladybug plugin.

Parametric Wall

In this short Grasshopper tutorial, we will examine an algorithm with which you can generate parametric wall sections by defining point attractors.

Spherical Sculpture

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we will generate parametric noise on an icosahedron mesh using the Nautilus plugin.

Fractal Snowflake Mesh

In this Grasshopper example file, you can model a fractal-based snowflake pattern on a 3D mesh by defining point attractors.

Mesh Segmentation

In this Grasshopper Ivy example file, you can utilize a series of point attractors for mesh segmentation.

Star Dome

In this Grasshopper example file, you can project a parametric star inside a polygon onto a hemisphere and convert it into a star-pattern-based dome.

2D Aggregation

In this Rhino Grasshopper Parakeet tutorial, we are going to use the 2D Aggregation component to design a parametric building.

Paneling Pipes

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to convert a NURBS surface into a series of panels and connecting pipes.

Thicken Floor

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to examine a technique that allows you to add thickness to the floors and roofs of a series of stacked solids, preparing them for more detailed building design.

Planar Ngon

In this Rhino Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, we are going to planarize a series of ngon meshes using the CoPlanar component in the Kangaroo plugin.

3D Plan

In this Grasshopper Script, you can create a 3D Plan from a series of lines and the location of the openings.

Pyramid Fennec

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Pyramid using the Fennec plugin.

Remove Brep faces

In this Grasshopper example file, you can delete a single or series of faces from a polysurface using the “Remove Brep faces” component from the Fennec plugin.

Baseball Sphere

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Surface using the “Baseball Sphere” component of thefennec plugin.
