Generative Algorithms

The idea behind the ‘Generative Algorithms, Concepts and Experiments’ by Zubin Khabazi is to explore design and algorithmic solutions through experiments rather than pure geometrical/algorithmic subjects. Using current design problems or ongoing researches, here the development of such subjects pursued with a parametric approach in Grasshopper/Rhino Environment.

This book is a part of a research that was accomplished as a master thesis in Architectural Association, Emergent Technologies and Design course under supervision of Michael Hensel, Mike Weinstock and Achim Menges. In this research, full study of a natural system combined with algorithmic solutions in form-finding techniques to develop an algorithmic design tool. Here just a brief summary of research plus its algorithmic parts reflected. The research titled ‘Algorithmic Morphogenesis’ which generally investigated the field of form generation in algorithmic/digital spaces based on natural processes of form generation.

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