Grasshopper Weaverbird
Weaverbird is a topological modeler that contains many of the known subdivision and transformation operators, readily usable by designers. Instead of doing the work repeatedly, or sometimes using complicated scripts, this plug-in reconstructs the shape, subdivides any mesh, even made by polylines, and helps preparing for fabrication.
Related Lessons & Examples
11- Paneling Attractors
3D Printing Connection
3d Sphere Wave
3D Tiling Tesselation
3D Vase Pattern
3D Voronoi Partition
3d Voxelized Pattern
Aggregation Tensile Structure
Al Hamra Tower
Al Ibrahimi Tower
Anemone Paneling
Animated Mesh Stellation
Antalya Observation Tower
Aquatic Tower
Attractor Diamonds
Attractor Pattern
Axolotl Random Cube
Balloon Car
Balloon Dog
Basic Aggregation
Belousov Reaction
Bending-Active Structure
Blob Candle Holder
Bow Building
Box Morphing pattern
Branching Spiral
Brick Type F
Bridge Brep
Cairo Tessellation
Capita Spring Tower
Catenary Kangaroo Structure
Ceiling Lamp Particles
Central Wave
Centre Pompidou Metz
Chladni Surface
Circle Packing
Circle Packing
Circle Packing Dome
Circle Packing Dome
Circular Bench
circular noise
Cloth Simulation
Cloth Stretching Simulation
Coiled Curves
Complex Transform
Concrete Planter
Concrete Planter
Contorted Necklace
Contour facade
Crane Folding Pattern
Criss Cross Necklace
Crumple Mesh
Crystallon Mesh
Culebra Facade
Culebra Particle Structure
Culebra+Dendro Lamp
Curly Spiral
Curve Attractor
Curve Growth
Curve Growth
Curve Tree
Customizable Face Mask
Cutting Solids
Decay Sphere
Deformed Panels
deformed pavilion
Delaunay Mesh
Dendro Facade
Dendro Fractal Facade
Dendro Waffle
Denver Union Station
Diagonalize tower
Diamond Facade
Diamond Paneling Pattern
Diamond Panels Facade
Diamond Windows
Differential Growth
Differential Growth Bowl
Differential Growth Curves
Differential Growth Kangaroo
Differential Growth Necklace
Differential Growth Necklace
Differential Growth Shoe
Differential Growth Shoe Sole
Differential Growth Surface
Diffusion 3D Pattern
Diffusion Facade
Diffusion Ring
Discrete Design
Dispatch Structure
Distance Curve Charge
Distorted Voronoi Table
Droid Examples
Elastic Curves
Elastic Grass Simulation
Elastic Kangaroo Mesh
Elongated Triangle
Emitted Berries
Enneper Twist
Erwin Hauer 3d pattern
Evaluate Curve
Facade Scripts
Ferrum 1 Office Building
Fibonacci Division
Field on Sphere
Flag Waving
Flexhopper Cloth
Flocked Floor Lamp
Floor Lamp
Flow Along Curve
Flow Path Ring
Foldable Skyscraper
Force Field Lines
Fractal Snowflake Mesh
Fractal Table
Fractal Tree
Frame Ring
Freeform Balconies
Gaussian Random Translation
Geodesic Dome
Gothic Sculpture
Grab Building
Grasshopper Attractor
Grids Juxtaposition
Growing Fractal Pattern
Growing Ring
Gyroid From Surface
Gyroid Minimal Surface
Gyroid Pattern
Gyroid Shell
Gyroid Shoe Sole
Gyroid Table
Hamiltonian Path
Hearst Tower
Heteroptera Noise Oscillator
Hexagonal Column
Hexagonal Force Field
Hexagonal Grid
Hexagonal Mobius Transform
Hexagonal Pavilion
Hexagonal Pavilion
Hilbert Curve Fractal
Image to Mesh
Inflatable Sofa
Inflated Kangaroo Mesh
Inflated Roof
Inflating Balloon
Inflating Kangaroo Bench
Intersecting Patterns
Intertwined Stairs
Islamic Art Museum(Louvre)
Iso-surface Millipede
Ivy Patterns
Kangaroo Anchor
Kangaroo Anchors
Kangaroo Balls Collide
Kangaroo Chair
Kangaroo Cloth
Kangaroo Elastic Tower
Kangaroo Form Finding
Kangaroo GridShell
Kangaroo Inflate Mesh
Kangaroo inflated Structure
Kangaroo Lamp
Kangaroo Maze Inflation
Kangaroo Mesh
Kangaroo Mesh Box
Kangaroo Mesh Deform
Kangaroo Mesh Expansion
Kangaroo Mesh Pavilion
Kangaroo Mesh Structure
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Plastic Anchor
Kangaroo Polygonal Pavilion
Kangaroo Radial Tensile
Kangaroo Relaxed
Kangaroo ReMesh
Kangaroo Roof Structure
Kangaroo Select Edge
Kangaroo Shell Structure
Kangaroo Space Frame
Kangaroo Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Dome
Kangaroo Tensile Installation
Kangaroo Tensile Mesh
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Waffle Pavilion
Kangaroo Waffle Table
Kinetic Iso Surface
Kinetic Triangulation
Kinetic Wall
Kolon One & Only Tower
L-System Earrings
Lattice Dress
Lego & Voxels
Loft Chair
Loft Point Attractor
London Shooting Venue
Louis Vuitton Store
Lunchbox Diamonds
Lunchbox Hexagonal
Lunchbox Hexagonal Wall
Lunchbox Joint
Lunchbox Nurbs Roof
Lunchbox Parabola Pavilion
Lunchbox Parakeet Facade
LunchBox Parametric Facade
Lunchbox Pavilion
Lunchbox Quad Tower
Lunchbox Space Frame
Lunchbox Wavy Form
Lunchbox Weave Pavilion
Magnetic Field Facade
Mathematical Surface
Mesh Balloons
Mesh Bridge
Mesh Colour Pattern
Mesh Column
Mesh Column Structure
Mesh Connection
Mesh Constrain
Mesh Explosion
Mesh Fusion
Mesh groove
Mesh Loft Table
Mesh Noise Carving
Mesh Openings
Mesh Particle Attractor
Mesh Pavilion
Mesh Snubbed
Mesh Split Plane
Mesh Stellation
Mesh+ Facade
Mesh+ Fractal
Mesh+ Jewelry
Mesh+ Lunchbox Tower
Mesh+ Peel
Mesh+ Virus
Meta Ball Pavilion
Minimal Surface
Minimal surface 3D Pattern
Minimal Surface Chair
Minimal Surface from Agents
Minimal Surface from Edges
Minimal Surface from Edges
Minimal Surface From Edges
Minimal Surface Installation
Minimal Surface Pattern
Minimal Surface Roof
Minimal Surface Table
Mirror Cut Curve
Mirror Cut Mesh
Mirror Mesh
Mirrored Tensile Structure
Mobius Strip
Mobius Transformation
Mobius Transformation Structure
Morph to Twisted Box
Mountain Mesh
New to Grasshopper?
Noise Force Field
Noise on Tween Meshes
Noisy Weave
Nove Divadlo Theatre
Nursery Polar Fields
Observation Tower
Optimized Column
Organic Mesh Pavilion
Organic Pattern
Origami Building
Paneling Pattern
Paneling Pt. Attractor
Parabolic Curve
Parakeet 2D Aggregation
Parakeet Brick Wall
Parakeet Mesh Vault
Parakeet Tiling
Parakeet’s Pattern
Parametric Building
Parametric Building
Parametric Building
Parametric Building
Parametric Ceiling Design
Parametric Chair
Parametric Chair Weaverbird
Parametric Cocoon Tower
Parametric Column
Parametric Connection
Parametric Displacement
Parametric Dress
Parametric Earrings
Parametric Element
Parametric Enneper
Parametric Facade
Parametric Facade Panels
Parametric Facade2
Parametric Fields
Parametric Flower Box
Parametric Landscape
Parametric Pavilion
Parametric Pavilion
Parametric Pavilion
Parametric Prism
Parametric Rings
Parametric Roof
Parametric Shoe Sole
Parametric Shoe Sole
Parametric Spinner
parametric stool
Parametric Table
Parametric Table
Parametric Tiling
Parametric Tower
Parametric Tower
Parametric Twisting Chair
Parametric Vase Pattern
Parametric Waffle Pavilion
Parametric Wall
Parametric wall
Parametric Weave Bench
Parametric WeavePaneling
Parametric Weaverbird Dome
Particle Skyscraper
Particles on Surface
Patametric Tower(Greenland)
Pavilion by Field
Perforated Pavilion
Perlin noise 3D
Perlin Noise Iso Surface
Perlin Noise Sphere
Perturbated Mesh
Physarealm Chair
Pinch & Spread Box
Pinch & Spread Torus
Pipe Pavilion
Pixelate Pattern
Planarize Ngons Edges
Platonic 3D Nodes
Platonic Lamp Shade
Pneumatic Mesh plane
Pneumatic Pattern
Point Attractor
Point Proximity
Point Proximity Table
Polar Force Fields
Poly International Plaza
Polygonal Building
Polygonal Kangaroo Mesh
Polylines to Building
Pufferfish Attractor
PufferFish Facade
PufferFish Tween Curves
Rabbit Fractal Shade
Rabbit L System
Rabbit L-System Columns
Rabbit Lsystem
Radial Kangaroo Mesh
Radial Waffle
Random Anchors
Random Dendro Facade
Random Facade
Random Noise
Random Point Proximity
Random Rectangles
Randomized Voxels
Reaction Diffusion
Recursive Building
Recursive Circular Transform
Recursive Morph
Recursive Ornamental Mesh
Recursive Paneling
Relaxed Sphere
Relaxing Roof
Retractable Shade
Ring Pattern
Rotated Chevron Pattern
Rotating Image Panels
Rotating Spikes
Rotating Windows
Rotting Mesh
Sea Urchins
Seaweed Simulation
Serpentine Sackler Gallery
Shifted Floors
Shining Sphere
Shortest Path on Mesh
Shortest Walk
Shortest Walk Table
Sierpinski Carpet
Sierpinski Pyramid
Sierpinski Pyramid
Simplex Noise Table
Sine Wave Shade
Sine Wave Table
Sinic Pavilion
Slime Mold Coffee Table
Slime Tower
Smooth Facade
Smooth Hexagonal Pattern
Smooth Mesh Tower
Smooth Weave Pattern
Snube Square Tiling
Soap Film Pavilion
Space Frame Roof
Sphere Triangular Paneling
Spherical Gradient Pattern
Spherical Pattern
Spherical Sculpture
Spiral Deform
Spiral Staircase
Spiral Tornado
Staggered Cubes
Stella Voronoi
Stereographic Projection
Stochastic Hexagons
Stripper Structure
Sub curve Graph Mapper
SubD TriRemesh
Super Mesh Zigzag Pattern
Table Topology Optimization
Tensile Canopy
Tensile Facade
Tensile Form
Tensile Mesh
Tensile Pattern
Tensile Tree Structure
Text on Mesh
tOpos Building Slabs
tOpos Growing Pavilion
Topos Joint
Topos Supports
Tower Floors
TPS Pavilion
Transport networks
Traveling Salesman Problem
Triangular Facade
Triangular Subdivision
Triangular Weave Pattern
Triangulated Lamp
Truss From Surface
Turning Torso
Turning Torso Tower
Twist of Curves
Twisted Box Mesh Boolean
Twisted Knot
Twisted Mesh
Twisted Relax Mesh
Twisting Fractal
Twisting Mesh Frame
Twisting Tower
Unfold Mesh
Unified Joint
Volume From Curve
Volumetric Lattice
Voronoi Bench
Voronoi Cell
Voronoi Expansion
Voronoi Facade
Voronoi Facade
Voronoi Facade
Voronoi Growth
Voronoi Mesh
Voronoi Shoe
Voronoi Surface
Voronoi Tower
Voronoi Virus
Waffle Table
Wandering Particles
Water Cube
Wave on Icosahedron
Wave On Surface
Wave on Vase
Weave Facade
Weave Mesh Pattern
Weave Pattern
Weave Ring
Weave Vase
Weaved Cloth Collision
Weaverbird Dodecahedron
Weaverbird Facade
Weaverbird Facade
Weaverbird Field Attractor
Weaverbird Freeform Structure
Weaverbird Grasshopper
Weaverbird Radial Shade
Weaverbird Smooth Box
Weaverbird Sub-D
Weaving Pattern
Worley Noise Column
ZigZag Facade
Download Weaverbird Plugin
Weaverbird Plugin
Weaverbird is a topological modeler that contains many of the known subdivision and transformation operators, readily usable by designers. Instead of doing the work repeatedly, or sometimes using complicated scripts, this plug-in reconstructs the shape, subdivides any mesh, even made by polylines, and helps preparing for fabrication.
- Download Weaverbird for Rhino 6, 7 and 8 Open this .gh file and Rhino will use the “Package Manager” to install Weaverbird. For Grasshopper only.
- Download Weaverbird for Rhino 4+5 Works only in Rhino 4+5 and Grasshopper 0.9. In wb toolbar. Please upgrade to this version if you are using any earlier releases.
To install, right click, choose “save as…” and then double click the file to launch the installer.(Alternative download available if you don’t have admin rights).
Main topological commands:
Catmull-Clark smoothing (wbCatmullClark). Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark, at first in 1978. The resulting mesh always consists of quadrilaterals.
Split mesh into Quads (wbSplitQuad). Calculates a new mesh, which is formed of only quads and generally appears similar to the old one, except that it is welded. It is topologically equivalent to the Catmull-Clark subdivision.
Loop smoothing (wbLoop). Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Charles Loop, at first in his Mathematics thesis in 1987. The resulting mesh always consists of triangular faces.
Split mesh with inner face (wbSplitPolygons). Places a new face departing from the middle of each original face edge. Caps the remaining hole with Sierpinski triangles.
Sierpinsky Triangles subdivision (wbSierpinskyTriangle). Places a triangle in each corner of a mesh face. The mesh will have one more hole per face.
Frame (wbFrame). Computes a new mesh with higher naked edge count, where each face has a new hole in the center and resembles a picture frame. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces.
Carpet (wbCarpet). Computes a new mesh with higher naked edge count, where each face has a new hole in the center. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces, and can be used to compute a Sierpinski carpet.
Window (wbWindow). Replaces each original mesh face with a new one, reconstructed on the inside. Each face has the same number of sides as the original one.
New mesh primitives definitions:
wbPrism, wbAntiPrism, wbPyramid, wbDiPyramid
Additional commands:
– wbOptions. To see the main log, set up the threading model, control the maximum time a single operation is allowed to take, and set options for the Loop subdivision scheme (to use Loop’s receipt or Warren-Weimer’s one).
– wbProperties. Opens a window with topological information about any mesh object in Rhino. Exposes triangular and quad face counts, edge count, current and welded vertex counts.