Lunchbox Hexagonal

In this Grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric hexagonal structure using the Lunchbox plugin combined with multi-pipe and Mesh+.

Lunchbox 2D Truss - Rhino Grasshopper

Lunchbox 2D Truss

In this simple Grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric 2D truss by defining two parametric curves.

Rhino Grasshopper ( Diamond Panels Facade )

Diamond Panels Facade

in this grasshopper example file, you can design a diamond shape facade and change the size of the panels with Graphmapper. This project is inspired by the “Ginza Place ” of Klein Dytham architecture + TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers.

Rhino Grasshopper (Hexa Tower)

Hexa Tower

In this Grasshopper example file you can create a pattern using a combination of Lunchbox and the basic Grasshopper components.

Rhino Grasshopper (Deforming Parametric Tower)

Deforming Parametric Tower

In this Rhino Grasshopper example file you can use the native grasshopper components to model a deforming parametric tower and then use the Pufferfish and Lunchbox plugin for adding more details.

LunchBox Parametric Facade

In this grasshopper example file, you can Create a 2D Diamond grid with the LunchBox Plugin on a Surface and then slide the strips of the pattern with WarpWeft Component of Kangaroo 2 Plugin.

Lunchbox Triangular Facade

In this grasshopper example file you can design a parametric facade by rotating a series of triangular panels using the Lunchbox plugin

Lunchbox Panels

In this grasshopper file you can create a parametric facade from the series of random points and using the Lunchbox plugin.

Crane Diamond Paneling

In this example file you can you can design a parametric folding origami covered with Diamond panels using the Parakeet, LunchBox, Crane & Meshplus plugins.

Lunchbox Parakeet Facade

in this grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric building with Tween Curves component and then use the LunchBox & Parakeet Plugins to generate different patterns on it.

Lunchbox Wall Shelf

In this grasshopper example file, you can Create a 2D pattern with the LunchBox Plugin on a wall & then Use the “Graph mapper” component to generate a parametric Wall Shelf.

Lunchbox Wavy Form

In this grasshopper example file You can model a wave-like form and use the Lunchbox & Weaverbird plugin to generate the final patterns.

Lunchbox Diamonds

In this Grasshopper example file you can model a parametric arc structure and then use the lunchbox plugin to generate a diamond-like pattern on it .

Lunchbox Space Frame

In this grasshopper example file You can use the Lunchbox plugin + Weaverbird to generate a parametric space frame structure.

Space Frame Roof

In this grasshopper example file you can create a space frame structure on a parametric Nurbs surface.

Roof Space Frame

In this grasshopper example file You can use the Lunchbox plugin to model a parametric Space frame structure for a roof.

Space Frame Arc

In this grasshopper example file You can model a parametric arc and convert it into a space frame structure and control the division.

Hexagonal cells

In this grasshopper example file You can use the lunchbox plugin to generate Hexagonal cells on a base surface.

Parametric dispatch tower

In this grasshopper example file You can design a Parametric tower by rotating the panel faces along an axis and using a point attractor .

Responsive panels

In this grasshopper example file You can model a parametric facade with a series of panles which respond to a point attractor or a curve attractor.

Hexagonal Tower

In this grasshopper example file you can create parametric tower covered by a hexagonal structure pattern using the Lunchbox plugin.
