Mechanism Paneling
In this Paracourse Lesson, we are going to study a mechanism based on the Kiefer showroom facade. First, we are going to study how to model an opening and closing mechanism on a panel then we will convert it to a cluster and use it in our project.
33 Min / 400 Mb
hi, I have a question regarding remap. when you remap a number in grasshopper, it has a mapped output and a clipped output. Could you tell the difference between the two results? Thanks!!
Hi Realhao,
If you give the source input a smaller domain it will clip any number outside of the source domain and clip the number to the highest or lowest number inside the target domain.
Attachment RemappingAndClipping.png
Hi Rezae,
Thank you!! This is really helpful!! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome Realhao, I’m happy to hear that
Vanessa Sabrina Zoll
Hi !
If I want to generate the Surface, that will become the first Cluster Input directly in Grasshopper, how do I then cluster this, because it results to be an Output. Many regards
It is possible but it is so hard.
You have to use some plugins that will read the input and output wirelessly (without actual connection) (global scope variables)
I will send you the one that I’m familiar with.