Minimal Surface Pattern


In this Grasshopper example file you can model a generative 3d pattern using the Minimal surface plugin and defining the base curves.

Script By: Kiarash Kiany

Minimal Surface PatternMinimal Surface PatternMinimal Surface Pattern


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  • Felsager

    Excuse me but this example is DEEPLY beautiful for many reasons. It uses the concept of double skin facade, textile, auxetric struture, minimal surfaces and pseudo folding.

    Add to this the definition the conception of shear, tapper and twist. All of these definition in this channel are literally links where they can combine and permute for newer research.

    These are my two cents on this example. I deeply like this one. It can easily generalize to other definitions in combination and permutation.

    On the spot!!.

    • parametric

      Thank you for your support Samuel 🙂