Morphing Skins

Sensory Morphing Skins

Chin Koi Khoo
SIAL, RMIT University, Australia
[email protected]

Contemporary responsive architecture often tries to achieve optimised building performance in response to changing environmental conditions. In the precedents a key area of responsiveness is in the building façades or skins. Often however, the skin is made from discrete components and separated equipment.

This research by Chin Koi Khoo, explores the potential for designing responsive architectural morphing skins with kinetic materials that have integrated sensing and luminous abilities. Instead of embedded individual discrete components, this approach intends to integrate the sensing devices and building skins as one ‘single’ entity.

This investigation is conducted by project. The project is Blanket, which aims to provide an alternative approach for a lightweight, flexible and economical sensory architectural skin that respond to proximity and lighting stimuli.

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