Parametric Clothes


In this grasshopper example file you can use a combination of Force field components
and the Stella3D plugin to create a parametric cloth.

Script By : Kiarash Kiany



Parametric ClothesParametric ClothesParametric ClothesParametric ClothesParametric Clothes

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  • Yvonne Dicketmüller

    Hi, I just came across this page and I love the idea of learning to make parametric clothes. Since this one says it is an example file but you can only download when you sign up for the class, I am not sure if there is a whole class that you offer on designing parametric clothes or if I would have to sign up generally for all kinds of different grasshopper tutorials. Would be great if you had several video tutorials on how to design parametric clothes.

    • rezae

      Hi Yvonne,
      We have a series of scripts about parametric clothes.
      Our tutorials cover general things at the beginning and we assume after learning those materials you can learn from these scripts which include parametric clothes and fashion.

      Many Thanks.

  • Shompinice


    1-change parameters and
    hit on “reset everything” and
    then hit the (X) on “Data recorder”
    to start from scratch

    • rezae

      Hi, you have to click on play button on the Trigger component to run the simulation

  • falethera

    Hi may i know where can i find the script and learn about parametric clothes?

    • rezae

      Hi Jessica,
      Under the last image there is a green button titled “Download Example”

      Let me know if you are still having problem.