Quelea Installation


In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Agent-based installation using the Quelea plugin and then voxelize the results using the Dendro plugin.


Script By:Mehdi Mirzajani

Quelea InstallationQuelea InstallationQuelea InstallationQuelea Installation

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  • Mrugesh28

    Attachment  error.png

    This file was downloaded from here, however, when I opened it, it displayed the following error message.
    * Avoid unaligned collision force
    *offset Surface
    *Surface Emitter
    Additionally, I have installed the recommended plugin. FYI I am using rhino 7.

    Could you please help

    • rezae

      Hi, Mrugesh
      Thank you for your report.
      Please download the Plugins from Their official webiste(Food4Rhino.com)
      Also you have to download Pufferfish plugin Download