Non-Linear Isotrim
In this exercise you can learn how to divide a Nurbs surface into a non-linear division by using graphs.
In this exercise you can learn how to divide a Nurbs surface into a non-linear division by using graphs.
In this definition you can learn how to pinch or spread a mesh box with random points by using the Pufferfish Plugin + Weaverbird.
DoubleMesh by deskriptiv is an application prototype that encapsulates a generative system which enables the easy creation of interwoven structures. The digitally woven structure does not require much build material. This makes such objects ideal for 3D printing, since big objects can be produced at low cost.
In this grasshopper definition you can learn how aggregation method works by creating a loop with the Anemone plugin. In each iteration, the faces of the meshes will generate a new face.
In this short grasshopper tutorial, I want to show you how you can move an object in grasshopper.
In this Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to model an infinity cube from scratch. First, we will use the Fillet Edge component to get rid of the corner edges and then we will extract the straight edges which will give us the infinity cube.
In this Grasshopper tutorial, we will model a parametric facade based on the twisting louvers of the Luanda sports Pavilion. First, we will model a straight surface and then we will divide it to vertical strips by using the Isotrim command and then we will use a line to define the openings.
In this Paracourse Lesson, we are going to simulate a falling cloth and use the Kangaroo 2 plugin to make it collide with a solid. First, we are going to explain the basics and then we will extract the resulted mesh.
In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, we will model a parametric table by sectioning a simple deformed box and then extracting the right edges. Finally, we will model the solids and Nest the sections on the ground for fabrication.
In this grasshopper definition you are able to fill any closed brep through Populate-3d and Populate-Geometry components and connecting each point to the nearest points then thicken and weld the network that has been generated by using Weaverbird Plugin and Fatten component.
In this Parakeet Plugin Example you can use the Flow Path component to Generate a [Discrete] Fluid Flow Path on a Mesh.
In this definition by using the Lunchbox spaceframe component and the Parakeet’s Truncate tool we can make a recrusive 3d pattern. You can change the Truncation distance to make the pattern grow or shrink and by changing the Iteration you can define the number of loops.
In this definition you can use the Pufferfish’s plugin component called Retrans which Recursively transform geometry to get a self-referential step sequence of transformed geometry.
In this Kangaroo example by defining a box without caps and using the Edge Lengths tool we will have a tensile structure. Simply by setting the length factor to zero and defining the right anchors we can model a minimal surface.
In this grasshopper definition a weave pattern is constructed using a base circle which will produce a series of perpendicular circles around it.
In this definition we have used the Pufferfish’s “Recrusive Morph Mesh” to produce patterns on a mesh. This component Recursively morphs mesh geometries onto a base mesh.
In this pufferfish plugin example you can use the Tween through Surface component to produce surfaces between multiple target surfaces and control their count and distribution.
In this definition you can use the Mesh+ “Snubbed Antiprism” which can add an advanced effect on any faces of a mesh and it’s called the antiprism extrusion. There are several options which you can change such as height of the cells or the offset from the center. You can also smooth the final result.
In this definition you can use the Parakeet’s “Knit” component which Generates a Knitted Pattern on a Surface. First you have to define the base surface (NURBS) and then you can define the number of divisions in the U,V direction , The height of the curves and the degree.
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a series of metaballs by defining random positions of the points.
In this grasshopper definition you can make pseudo reaction diffusion using Weaverbird Plugin. This grasshopper definition is inspired by Junichiro Horikawa.
In this grasshopper definition a way of creating a desired number of arcs will be demonstrated using the 3 point arc component. In order to do so, 3 sets of points will be required. One set is only one point in the center which all arcs are connected to.
In this grasshopper definition you can aggregate a custom module (Tile) by defining junctions using Fox Plugin.
In this grasshopper definition you can generate contour of triangles which are perpendicular to base surface and height of each triangle follow’s custom path (curve).
In this grasshopper definition you can generate mass of strips by defining a path (Curve) and connecting them with perpendicular lines between them. This grasshopper definition is made by Heteroptera Plugin.
In this Grasshopper definition you can generate conical pattern by defining a curve due to perpendicular lines that divide on the curve.
In this Grasshopper Definition you can morph any geometry inside deformed cubic structure by using Pufferfish Plugin. The cubic structure is deformed by Enneper surface which is already made by Lunchbox plugin.
In this Grasshopper Definition you can make a series of Dipyramids on a Mobius strip by using the Weaverbird and Parakeet Plugin.
In this exercise file, you can learn how to scale a series of boxes by using the range and graph mapper to produce a non-linear distribution.
Grasshopper Learning Material by Woojae Sung explains the basic concepts of Grasshopper as a graphical algorithm editor. It works on real 2D/3D geometries with Rhino. And with Grasshopper, on the algorithm behind those real geometries.