Paneling Tools Grasshopper Plugin

Paneling Tools

PanelingTools helps designers create paneling solutions from concept to fabrication. PanelingTools facilitates conceptual and detailed design of paneling patterns using NURBS and mesh geometry. PanelingTools is closely integrated with the Rhinoceros environment using standard Rhino geometry.

3D Web Configurator

3D Web Configurator lets you upload and display your Grasshopper definitions online for free*, along with their parameters. Once uploaded, the system makes sure anyone in the world can access and edit your definition’s parameters via a web browser, while your scripts remain private and safe on servers located inside the EU.

Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial

Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial

Main goal of this project by woo jae sung is to make successive bridge-like structures based on parametric idea. The first step is to make a single component that reacts to the user inputs. The second step is to replicate the single component to get multiple components which behave under the same logic.
