Attractor Loft Grasshopper3d Definition

Attractor Loft

In this Grasshopper definition you can extrude and scale a series of squares based on a parametric point attractor. You can also control the height and scale by changing the graphs.

Apollonian Fractal Grasshoper3d Definition

Apollonian Fractal

In this definition we have used the Anemone plugin to model the Apolloian fractal. In mathematics, an Apollonian gasket or Apollonian net is a fractal generated starting from a triple of circles, each tangent to the other two, and successively filling in more circles, each tangent to another three.

Hilbert Curve Fractal Grasshopper3d Definition

Hilbert Curve Fractal

This grasshopper definition is generated by putting simple scaling and rotating into a loop through Anemone Plugin, however it is quite different from the method that mathematician generate the Hilbert Curve fractal. A Hilbert curve is a continuous fractal space-filling curve.

Arched Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition

Arched Pattern

In this definition a set of gene pools are used to create the main surface and then data tree has been used to extract three sets of curves to create the pattern.

Erwin Hauer Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition

Erwin Hauer Pattern

In this grasshopper definition we will model an Erwin Hauer pattern based on the “Still Facing Infinity” exhibition.

Spiral Spikes Grasshopper Definition

Spiral Spikes

In this definition by using a parametric helix and modeling a series of triangles on the path you can make spiral spikes. You can also change the graphs to get different results.

Sierpinski Pyramid Grasshopper Definition

Sierpinski Pyramid

In this example you can model a 3d sierpinski fractal by using the recrusive behaviour of the Anemone plugin and then you can use the weaverbird plugin to smooth the results.

Random Rectangles Grasshopper Definition

Random Rectangles

In This grasshopper definition you can learn how to model a series of random rectangles on a circle. For example this can be used to model a circular mirror.

Loft Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Loft Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition by using an attractor point we will model a parametric twisting surface and then use Lunchbox or Pufferfish or Weaverbird to model a series of patterns on this base surface.

The Fractals Workshop

About the Workshop

The Fractals Workshop is based on generative growth of natural systems, mathematics and algorithm-based aggregation. This workshop is an adaptation of the teaching methods practiced at the Design Research Lab at the AA School of Architecture.

Surrounded Patterns Grasshopper Definition

Surrounded Patterns

In this grasshopper definition by using a surface which is created from Loft and a single variable function which is controlled by Graph Mapper, you can generate a pattern that surrounded the surface thorough the function.

Parametric Wave Grasshopper Definition

Parametric Wave

In this grasshopper definition you can use the point attractor technique combined with Heteroptera plugin to model a wavy like surface.

Grids Juxtaposition Grasshopper Definition

Grids Juxtaposition

In this grasshopper definition we have modeled two series of 3d patterns based on a square grid which can be controlled parametrically.

Mirror Cut Curve Grasshopper Definition

Mirror Cut Curve

In this grasshopper definition you can model a parametric form by cutting a series of curves with a plane and then joining them with the mirrored result.

Generating Floor Plans

Generating Floor Plans

In the context of a research project by Katja Knecht at the Bauhaus-University Weimar concerned with the development of a creative evolutionary design method for layout problems in architecture and urban design.

Perlin Noise Pottery

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a a parametric shape by defining a series of circles with a Perlin noise function controlling the radiuses. At the end we will use the Dendro Plugin to voxelize the final shape.

Physarealm Simulation Grasshopper Definition

Physarealm Simulation

In this definition we have used agent based modeling to simulate growth of the agents and reaching the food source by using the Physarealm plugin.

Diamond Panel Grasshopper Definition

Diamond Panel

In this grasshopper definition a 2d pattern panel is created using the diamond panels of the Lunch box plug-in and different variants of the diamond panel is created using basic components to control thickness and shape.

Point on Curve

In this short grasshopper tutorial I want to show how you can use Point on Curve component.

L System Grasshopper Definition

L System

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Rabbit Plugin to produce a parametric L-System by defining rules and number of agents (Turtles). The Starting position has been found on a sphere

Jellum Bulger Grasshopper Definition

Jellum Bulger

In this grasshopper definition you can use the Jellum force (a force which affects a grid of points) and change the strength and position to produce a deformed 3d grid and finally voxelize the curves and points to produce a 3d parametric form.

Point to Volume Grasshopper Definition

Point to Volume

In this grasshopper definition you can use a 3d point cloud to voxelize the final parametric form by using the Dendro plugin.

3D Voxel Pattern Grasshopper Definition

3D Voxel Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by generating a truncated cubic grid you can give volume to it by using Dendro’s plugin voxel method. We have also used the Parakeet plugin to change the form.

Wandering Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Wandering Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can create a simple simulation of attraction through agent base modeling and traces are captured, by using Heteroptera Plugin.

Shortest Walk Grasshopper Definition

Shortest Walk

In this definition you can use the shortest walk plugin to produce a venation pattern between a series of random points.

Folding Pattern Grasshopper Definition

Folding Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by dividing a square grid and extracting relative points in the grid you can generate a parametric 3d pattern panel.

Arc Curve Grasshopper Definition

Arc Curve

In this grasshopper definition a series of basic grasshopper components has been used to create a surface on top of a network of arcs and curves.

Panel Pattern Grasshopper Definition

Panel Pattern #2

In this Grasshopper definition you can model a parametric pattern for 2d panels which is based on a scaling square grid with a connection to a moving point on the edges.

Millipede Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Iso-surface Millipede

In this Grasshopper Definition the isosurface component from the Millipede plugin has been used to create the isosurface mesh. Iso value defines the effective field around each point and merge vertices is set to true to produce smoother mesh around some corners.

Particle Swarm

In this grasshopper definition, you can run a particle base swarm moving through the closest vector field component made by pufferfish and anemone plugin. The Anemone Plugin is used to make the iterations and control the loops.
