Generative Architectural Form

Generative Architectural Form

This dissertation “An Evolution-Based Generative Design System: Using Adaptation to Shape Architectural Form” by Luisa Gama Caldas dwells in the interstitial spaces between the fields of architecture, environmental design and computation.

Generico Chair

Generico Chair

German designers Marco Hemmerling and Ulrich nether have produced the ‘generico chair’, a product based on generative and additive manufacturing technologies. the process for developing the form involved a detailed analysis of structural performance.

Parametric Timber Shell Structures

Timber Structures

This thesis by Alexandra Adelle Hinkel Cheng presents an example of a project executed in a co-rationalized manner through architectural and structural collaboration, using both digitally-integrated and analog models, for the design and construction of solid timber shells structures.

Incessant replication: Computational floor plan generation

Incessant Replication

This thesis by Ron Aasholm studies the process of promptly harnessing a computational design methodology and applies it to floor plan design. A specific evolutionary algorithm, found in Galapagos, is analysed and applied as it used in the model demonstration.
