Prestressed Gridshells

Prestressed Gridshells

This article, demonstrates the design potentials of a recently developed approach for generating smooth poly-hypar surfaces, freeform surfaces made of combinations of hyperbolic paraboloids (hypars).

Inframe elastic timber gridshell


This thesis by Judyta M. Cichocka presents a design-oriented methodology for the design, optimization and construction of sequentially erected elastic timber gridshells. A multi-objective approach toward simultaneous optimization of the overall size and grid configurations.

Curved Support Structures with Repetitive Parameters

Repetitive Parameters

In this paper, Eike Schling aims at strained gridshells built entirely from straight or circular lamellas of the same radius and with orthogonal nodes. The lamellas are aligned normal to a reference surface, enabling an elastic assembly.

From shape to shell: a design tool to materialize freeform shapes using gridshell structures

Shape to Shell

This paper by Lionel Du Peloux, Olivier Baverel, Jean-François Caron and Frédéric Tayeb introduces and explains the design process of a gridshell in composite materials built in Paris in  2011 for the festival Soliday. A brief introduction presents the structural concept and the erection methodology employed.

Construction system for reversible self-formation of gridshells

Reversible Gridshells

This paper by Efilena Baseta and Klaus Bollinger presents a construction system which offers an efficient materialization method for double-curved gridshells. This results in an active-bending system of controlled deflections.
