Voronoi Puzzle Grasshopper Tutorial

Voronoi Puzzle

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we will model a Voronoi Puzzle and discover how the connections can be made. In the end, you will learn how to put numbers on the pieces. You can even use this technique to make a parametric facade.

Geometric Equilateral Triangles Drawing Tutorial

Equilateral Triangles

This tutorial by I See Arts explains how to draw equilateral triangle with straight lines pattern creates geometrical triangles inside a circle.

Grasshopper Annotations

Grasshopper Annotations

This publication is an elaboration of exercises provided in Andrew Payne and Rajaa Issa’s Grasshopper Primer. In addition, lessons outlined in Algorithmic Modeling with Grasshopper by Zubin Khabazi, are referenced as well as scripts written during Professor Kyle Talbott’s Microcosm Studio.

Generative Algorithms Weaving


‘Generative Algorithms’ by Zubin Khabazi which published on-line, was aimed to bring forward subjects and concepts on geometrical issues related to architectural design and some basic experiments using parametric modeling and algorithmic approach with Grasshopper.

Introduction to Grasshopper

Introduction to Grasshopper

Introduction to Grasshopper for Rhinoceros by Maria Mingallon contains examples that explain Data Storage: Objects, Scalars, Data Trees, Vectors. Curves (NURBS): Definition & type of curves Curve Analysis (Curve Domain), Surfaces (NURBS): Definition & Surface Analysis Surface Domain & Evaluate Surface and Manipulation of Curves & Surfaces.

Grasshopper Primer

Grasshopper Primer

This is the second edition of grasshopper primer by Andrew Payne and Rajaa Issa. Rajaa is a developer at Robert McNeel and Associates and is the author of several other Rhino plugins including ArchCut and the ever popular PanelingTools.
