3D Models Section: Step into the realm of visualization and textured design with Grasshopper!

In this dedicated space, we are curating a collection of Grasshopper scripts for parametric visualization and texture design.

Perfect for students and designer, these tools are your gateway to transforming abstract concepts into tangible 3D models.

Latest 3D Models

In this Grasshopper script you can use two curves to design a simple road intersection with a predefined height.

In this Grasshopper 3d model file you can generate a parametric window frame from a rectangle.

In this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d Brick Wall with Controllable windows location and size.

n this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d bridge by defining a simple Nurbs curve.

In this Rhino Grasshopper script, you can effortlessly transform a series of lines representing a building's plan into a 3D visualization that showcases its foundation, columns, and beams.