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Michaela Crie Stone lives and works in Rockport, Maine, where she creates pieces that push the parameters of function by blurring the lines between art, craft, and design.

in this video, you can look at different parametric towers with parametric designs.

Drone based technology is the solution to overcome the limitation of surface road capacity in cities.

Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real-time.

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, we will first take a look at some related projects to Auxetics & Metamaterials and then we will use the Linketix Plugin to design several Auxetic patterns.

Barrier-grid animation or picket-fence animation is an animation effect created by moving a striped transparent overlay across an interlaced image.

Civil engineering students explore the field of engineering by making bridges using spaghetti as their primary building material. Then they test their bridges to see how much weight they can carry before breaking.

Given that the need for skilled bricklayers and for more homes are both rapidly increasing globally, automating the bricklaying process for faster, mass construction is an obvious answer.

Projection mapping is a 3D video projection technique using light and colors to project virtual images on irregular shapes and non-flat surfaces like industrial sites, public buildings, city landmarks... Everything is a blank canvas.

Reciprocal frames (RF) are a family of structures that increasingly are attracting interest from many participants in the construction industry.

Biomimetic architecture is a multi-disciplinary scientific approach to sustainable design that goes beyond using nature as inspiration for aesthetics but rather deeply studying and applying construction principles that are found in natural environments and species.

Voronoi diagrams were considered as early as1644 by René Descartes. They were also studied by Georgy Voronoi (1868-1908), the inventor of an original method of diagrams, who extended the investigation of Voronoi diagrams to higher dimensions.

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This paper by Alessandro Liuti, Sofia Colabella, and Alberto Pugnale, presents the construction of Airshell, a small timber gridshell prototype erected by employing a pneumatic formwork.

In this paper by Gregory Charles Quinn, Chris J K Williams, and Christoph Gengnagel, a detailed comparison is carried out between established as well as novel erection methods for strained grid shells by means of FE simulations and a 3D-scanned scaled physical model in order to evaluate key performance criteria such as bending stresses during erection and the distance between shell nodes and their spatial target geometry.

In this paper by Frederic Tayeb, Olivier Baverel, Jean-François Caron, Lionel du Peloux, ductility aspects of a light-weight composite gridshell are developed.

In this paper by Julian Lienhard, Holger Alpermann, Christoph Gengnagel and Jan Knippers structures that actively use bending as a selfforming process are reviewed.

In this paper by B. D’Amico, and A. Kermani, H. Zhang, a ‘facilitating’ numerical framework is introduced in which, for a given continuous reference shape, a geometrically similar discrete model is found by implementation of a six degree of freedom formulation of the Dynamic Relaxation method, to handle members bending and torsional stiffness.

This paper by John Harding, Will Pearson, Harri Lewis, and Stephen Melville, describes the work of Ramboll Computational Design during the design and construction of the Ongreening Pavilion timber gridshell.

The paper by John Haddal Mork, Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik, Bendik Manum, Anders Rønnquist, and Nathalie Labonnote introduces a kinematic gridshell principle built with the smallest possible module.

The paper by Roberto Naboni discusses the process of computational design, analysis and fabrication for a lightweight super-thin gridshell structure.

This paper by Enrique Soriano defines geodesic gridshells and discusses their suitability for scarce budgets and low-tech manufacturing of free-form shells.

In this context by Philippe Charest, André Potvin, Claude M. H. Demers, and Sylvain Ménard, there is a renewed interest in systems allowing the materialization of curved surfaces such as timber gridshells, which can be defined as shells with their structures concentrated in strips.

This Research by Tobias Wallisser, Gonçalo Castro Henriques, Amanda Ribeiro, Ronaldo Lee Menna addresses a local/global gap bridging local building technologies with algorithmic design and digital evaluation.

This study by Concetta Sulpizio, Alessandra Fiore, Cristoforo Demartino, Ivo Vanzi, and Bruno Briseghella, deals with the problem of form-finding of concrete double-curved surfaces.

Latest Free Unity Assets

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural 3d grid and create spheres on each point and finally change the sphere radius by defining a point attractor

You can download this free unity asset to create a series of procedural spheres around a circle. The radius of the spheres change based on a sine function.

You can download this free unity asset to create a series of procedural random spheres on a main sphere.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural 3D Voronoi pattern on a sphere by creating random points.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural 3D grid in Unity by defining the count and the size of each directional array.

You can create a procedural curve by applying a sine motion function on the division points. The deformation of the curve is based on the sum of x and y coordinate of each point and generates an attractor point effect on the curve.

You can create a procedural curve in Unity with a piecewise pattern by applying a linear wave on a series of points and converting them to a mesh.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural star pattern by creating a series of polygons around a circle.

You can download these 6 unity assets for free to create procedural geometries in Unity using Plugpea.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural shape using rotating polygons around their normals. The Number of side and the radius can be changed.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural circular chair. All the parts can be updated by moving the circles in different heights and giving them different radiuses.

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural stair based on height, width, length and count of steps.