
Grasshopper Bullant GH

BullAnt is a Rhino3d/Grasshopper plug-in primarily for Architects and Engineers (but also other Rhino/Grasshopper users) featuring computational design tools to enhance and extend Rhino/Grasshopper.  BullAnt features commands including mesh relaxation (minimal surfaces), mesh inflation (ETFE cushions), symmetry automation, tessellation (polygon packing), geodesic domes and curve network processing.  Much of the structural sketching functionality is now deprecated and available in ggRhinoIFC plugin.

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Bullant Tessellation
Bullant Tessellation
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate different Tessellation Types by using the Bullant...

Bullant GH Plugin

BullAnt is a Rhino3d/Grasshopper plug-in primarily for Architects and Engineers (but also other Rhino/Grasshopper users) featuring computational design tools to enhance and extend Rhino/Grasshopper.  BullAnt features commands including mesh relaxation (minimal surfaces), mesh inflation (ETFE cushions), symmetry automation, tessellation (polygon packing), geodesic domes and curve network processing.  Much of the structural sketching functionality is now deprecated and available in ggRhinoIFC plugin.