Grasshopper for Beginners

Welcome to the Beginners section!

Designed especially for those new to Grasshopper, here you’ll find step-by-step tutorials that not only introduce you to the basics but also reveal invaluable tips and tricks.

Navigate your initial learning curve with ease and confidence by delving into these beginner-friendly lessons.

1- Introduction


1- What is Grasshopper 3D?

In this video we will talk about Grasshopper and the history of scripting vs visual programming language and why should we choose Grasshopper! First, we will take a look at the “Record History” in Rhino, Rhinoscript, macros and at the end, we will compare Grasshopper with other Visual programming languages.


In the introductory lesson, we’ll explore the Grasshopper 1.0 canvas and familiarize ourselves with its fundamental features.

4- Partition List

Now we will learn how to manage data with more tools like list length , partition list and simplify.

6- Flatten

After learning about the Partition list, it’s time to learn how to destroy the data trees with flatten and also change them with flip matrix.

3- Shortest List

Now we have learned the basics of the canvas we will take a look at the most important aspect of data management in grasshopper called the “longest list”.

5- Graft

After learning about the flatten, now we have to know where to graft the inputs to get our desired results.

2- Attractors


2- Multiple Attractor Points

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we will understand what happens when we use two or more points as an attractor and how it affects our grid of points.

3- Parametric Point

In this Grasshopper tutorial, I will teach you how to define a parametric point in grasshopper and use it to design a framed facade. First we will find the distance between the attractor and the points and then we will define the extrusion

4-Single Curve Attractor

In this grasshopper tutorial i will use a curve as an attractor and use it to deform a surface. You will learn how to define the distance between a set of point and a single curve.

5- Parametric Curve Attractor

In this video tutorial, I will explain how you can use u,v coordinate system to produce a parametric curve on a surface and use it as an attractor to affect the frames of triangular panels.

6-Multiple Curves

In this grasshopper lesson, we will learn how to use a set of curves for attraction. You will learn how to use advanced grasshopper techniques to analyze the distance between the point grids and the attractors.

7- Image Attractor

In this video tutorial, I will explain how to use image sampler to produce a complex form based on an image in grasshopper. The image sampler tool will use u,v point mapping to extract the brightness and we can use it to manipulate geometry.

8- Based on height

In this grasshopper tutorial, I will model a facade louver system based on scaling. First I will divide the facade into louvers and then I will extract the lines and scale them based on the height of the surface. then we will remodel the louvers with another technique and use point attractor and image attractor to affect the facade.

9- Based on colour

In this tutorial, I will explain how you can use Gradient to color a set of panels based on their height.

10 – Attarctor triangles

In this Paracourse lessons you can use a series of point attractors to change the scale of a square grid and then connect the corners to the middle of the scaled border.

11- Paneling Attractors

In this Paracourse Lesson, we are going to use different attractors in Paneling tools to model a parametric grid that deforms with Point/Curve/Random and surface curvature. Finally, we are going to smooth the result.

12- Parametric Hexagons

In this Paracourse Lesson, we are going to model a series of hexagons which scale based on point attractors. We are also going to study how to fix the cells on the closed Nurbs surface seam.

13- Rotating Panels

In this Paracourse lesson, we will model a series of rotating panels which extrude until they reach their neighboring surface. We will use three different techniques :

14- Paneling Tools (List)

In this Paracourse lesson, we will use the Paneling Tools plugin to cover a Nurbs surface with a series of modules. We will use point attractors to distribute the modules and in the end, we will count each module and export them in different layers.

1- Single Point Attractor

In this Video tutorial, you will learn how to use a single point attractor in your design. By understanding the concepts you can get ready for more complicated attractors and how to control them in the next tutorials.

3- Rails & Sections


2- Multiple Sections

In this lesson, you will learn how to use multiple sections and a curved path to produce a parametric model. First I will explain how we can orient the section into the perpendicular planes and then we will model the rest.

3-Intersection Sectioning

In this Grasshopper Lesson, I will show you how you can use intersections to design the sections of a parametric model. You can use this technique to control your sections. First, we will make a series of lines and then by using the intersection technique, we will produce the sections.

4-Rail Modification

In this Grasshopper Lesson, I will show you some techniques which you can use to modify the rail curve. By modifying the rail curve you can also design new parametric models. First, you will learn how to model the surface and then we will convert the surface to a stadium.

5- Sweep Shell

In this Paracourse Lesson, we are going to model a parametric freeform surface by defining two sections and a polar based rail. Then we are going to model a series of trusses and convert the surface into triangular panels.

6-Parametric Vase

In this Paracourse Lesson (25 Minutes), You can learn how to model a parametric vase by using a Perlin Noise Graph mapper. First, we are going to explain how to model the base surface of the vase by using Graph Mappers, and then we will use the Flow command to move a patterned curve to the Vase.

1- One section,One path

In this lesson, you will learn how to use a single section and a curved path to produce a parametric model. First I will explain how we can orient the section into the curve and then we will model the rest.

4- Data Management


1- Logics & Dispatch

In this grasshopper tutorial, I will talk about dispatching in Grasshopper. First, we will use simple true/false boolean patterns to understand the dispatch tool and then we will go on more advanced examples like point attractors, combining logics, extracting naked vertices and….

2- Manage output

In this Grasshopper lesson, I will talk about managing output data with a turning tower example. First I,m going to model the tower and then I will talk about data management and the different components you can use to extract or delete data.

3- Sorting Data

In this Grasshopper tutorial, I will teach you how to use sorting data to produce a spiral based surface and then convert it to smooth Mesh. First I will produce a surface by revolving a profile curve and then we will divide the surface with isotrim. By connecting the corners we can produce the spirals.

4- Grafting

In this lesson, I will show how grafting can help you to model parametric hexagons and use point attractors to change the height and scale of them. First, we will talk about grids and then we will step into the point attractor technique and move the hexagons based on their distance from centers.

5- Partition

In this lesson, I will talk about flipping a matrix for data management and how partition can handle data into groups. First, we will take a look at grids and how they are in groups of data and why we need to flatten, flip matrix and partition our data

6- Data Strips

In this ParaCourse lesson, we are going to model a twisting box with a completely parametric axis and then learn how to use Shift Paths, Explode Tree, and Flip matrix to model a series of tween surfaces from the box.