Rhino Grasshopper Plugins
Discover 90+ Grasshopper plugins we've used in our projects.
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Wombat for GH is an open source series of miscellaneous utilities aimed at improving modeling processes by streamlining common tasks. It includes components for operating on geometry, lists, files and folders, and visualizing the geometric properties of surfaces and meshes. Originally developed by Andrew Heumann and Brian Ringley while members of the Woods Bagot Design Technology team, maintained by WB DT. Open source at https://github.com/woodsbagot/WombatGH
Weaverbird is a topological modeler that contains many of the known subdivision and transformation operators, readily usable by designers. Instead of doing the work repeatedly, or sometimes using complicated scripts, this plug-in reconstructs the shape, subdivides any mesh, even made by polylines, and helps preparing for fabrication.
Wasp is a Grasshopper plug-in, developed in Python, offering combinatorial tools to design with discrete elements. The description of each part includes all information necessary for the aggregation process (part geometry, connections location and orientation). The connections define the topological graph of the part, which is used to define the possibilities of aggregation with other parts. Wasp offers a series of aggregation procedures, allowing geometry- and data-driven generation of structures. Additionally, it provides tools for constraining the resulting aggregation, both at the local and global level, as well as utilities to visualize and process it.
As a 3D CAD software suite, Rhino+Grasshopper is, at its core, a means to create, transform and manage data. Grasshopper’s explicit visual scripting interface structures these operations through the use of DataTrees. Treesloth emerged as a series of tools applied in both professional and research practice to help better negotiate the the types of data relationships within (and between) Grasshopper definitions that enable more complex operations.
tOpos is a 3D Topology Optimisation plugin which is using GPU for computation acceleration. It is based on CUDA technology provided by NVIDIA. Current version of tOpos require NVIDIA graphic card with Cuda Computation Capability (cc) higher or equal to 3.0. Here you can check if you generation of GPU is compatible with tOpos. Also check if you drivers are up to date (do not use Windows Update drivers! Install newest drivers form NVIDIA website). Your graphic card drivers version need to be at least 376.51.
This toolkit focuses on the versatile nature of meshes, providing various effective functionalities for working with and editing mesh topology. Heavily inspired and driven by the concept of edge loops (thank you, Autodesk Maya and Pixologic ZBrush), the organizational data structure behind mesh construction provides a plethora of design possibilities, some of which are still being discovered today.
ShapeMap is a plugin for Grasshopper, developed by the McNeel Asia China team. It integrates multiple basic functions in Rhino and has undergone secondary development. This plugin allows users to map any curve texture designed on a plane onto the surfaces of complex 3D models, while minimizing or eliminating deformation of the texture curves on the 3D surfaces. With ShapeMap, designing textures on 3D model surfaces becomes much easier, and the operation process is intuitive and simple.
Agent-Based Modeling for Designers
+ A new paradigm for 3D modeling utilizing agents.
+ Assign forces and behaviors to systems of agents to create interactions.
+ Utilize any data to drive the system.
+ Easily debug your system by displaying individual force vectors.
+ High performance, parallel algorithms, spatial data-structures.
+ Write your own custom forces, no coding required.
+ Open source framework for others to build custom behaviors.
+ Boid forces: Cohese, Separate, Align, & View.
+ Contain Agents within Brep, Box, Surface, and Polysurface environments.
+ Forces: Path Follow, Attract, Contain, Surface Flow, Seek, Arrive, Avoid Obstacle, Avoid Unaligned Collision, Sense Image, Sense Point, & more to come.
+ Behaviors: Bounce Contain, Kill Contain, Initial Velocity, Eat, Set Velocity, & more to come.
Physarum polycephalum, literally the “many-headed slime”, is a slime mold that inhabits shady, cool, moist areas, such as decaying leaves and logs. P. polycephalum is one of the easiest eukaryotic microbes to grow in culture, and has been used as a model organism for many studies involving amoeboid movement and cell motility. For example, a team of Japanese and Hungarian researchers have shown P. polycephalum can solve the Shortest path problem. When grown in a maze with oatmeal at two spots, P. polycephalum retracts from everywhere in the maze, except the shortest route connecting the two food sources.
Peacock is a free-culture project for the development of the algorithmic jewelry modeling in the Grasshopper/Rhinoceros 3d environment. It allows to create parametric jewels, generative collections, automated productions, customized tools, optimize costs, and explore new aesthetics and advanced solutions for jewelry design.
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