Advanced Grasshopper Lessons

Explore the world of advanced parametric design with our advanced lessons. These tutorials focus on complex algorithms, offering in-depth explanations rather than step-by-step instructions, tailored for experienced users. Gain a deeper understanding of the logic behind each design and discover new techniques to enhance your workflow. Perfect for those looking to master sophisticated parametric design concepts and create innovative solutions efficiently.

Latest Lessons


Wave Facade

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to design a parametric wave facade with controllable attractors at the top and the bottom.

Origami Building

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to design an origami-inspired building using the Crane plugin to fold or unfold the initial pattern and generate new design ideas.

Shade Structure

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will create a parametric shade structure by defining a rectangular plan and using a curve as an attractor for the rib's wave form.

Parametric Ceiling

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to model an interior parametric Ceiling made from a series of ribs using a polysurface.

Parametric Building

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to design a parametric building by controlling the roof height at the front and back, and creating a folding structure.

Multipipe Structure

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will create a parametric structure based on a series of tree-like line connections and then transform it into a shade structure.

Tree-Like Structure

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to model a parametric tree-like structure using a series of lines.


In this Isovist Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to generate an isovist in grasshopper by defining Obstacles.

Perlin Noise

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can learn how to generate Perlin noise on a surface and convert it into a solid.

Structural Grid

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, we will model a rectangular grid with varying dimensions for the x and y axes.

Anemone Building

In this Grasshopper Anemone Tutorial you can learn how to model a parametric building from a polyline or curve.

Grab Surface

In this Grasshopper kangaroo example file you can make a parametric surface by using the grab component and some advanced data management techniques.

Chevron pattern

In this grasshopper example file, you can generate a 3d Chevron pattern on a circular nurbs Surface.

Ivy Patterns

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Ivy plugin to generate a parametric mesh pattern.

Ngon Finger Joint

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Ngon plugin to design a parametric finger joint ona parametric network surface.

Parametric Wall

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will create a parametric wall or ceiling using diamond panels from the LunchBox plugin and a base surface influenced by point or curve attractors.