Grasshopper fennec
This addon have useful tools like different extend tools, convert Grasshopper script to geometry, modified pipe , math tools , text tools and more.
Related Lessons & Examples
Baseball Sphere
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Surface using the “Baseball Sphere” co...
Fennec Knot
In this example file, You can design a parametric knot using the Fennec plugin and control the thick...
Inner Profile
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a solid using the “Inner Profile” component from th...
Knot Building
In this Grasshopper example file, you can convert a self-intersecting curve or polyline into a build...
Offset Intersection
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can use the Fennec plugin to offset a series of lines and find...
Offset Intersection
In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to offset the boundaries of the intersection of a ser...
Offset Intersection
The Offset Intersection (Fennec Plugin) enables users to create inner and outer offsets from a given...
Parametric Building
In this grasshopper example file you can create a parametric building by rotating and extruding a se...
Parametric Tower
In this Grasshopper Weaverbird example file, You can design a parametric tower by using the weaverbi...
Plan Drafting
In this Grasshopper Script, You can add details to your plan by providing lines for the wall, doors,...
Polygon Star
In this Grasshopper fennec example file you can learn how to use the "polygon star" component to des...
Pyramid Fennec
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Pyramid using the Fennec plugin.
Remove Brep faces
In this Grasshopper example file, you can delete a single or series of faces from a polysurface usin...
Rotating bricks
In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a series of rotating bricks by using the Fennec plu...
Smooth Truss
In this Grasshopper Lunchbox example file, you can design a smooth space truss structure.
Spiral Metaballl
In this Grasshopper example file, you will learn how to create a spiral-based metaball using the Den...
Structure Plan
In this Grasshopper Example File, You can use the fennec plugin to design a parametric structure pla...
Text on Mesh
In this Grasshopper Example File,You can generate any text on a mesh by using the fennec plugin.
Triangulated Lamp
In this Grasshopper Example File, You can model a triangulated lamp shade using the Fennec ,Mesh+ an...
Truncated Cone
In this Grasshopper example file you can learn how to use the Truncated Cone component from the fenn...
Unroll Polysurface
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the Fennec plugin combined with the Pufferfish plugin to unr...
Download fennec Plugin
fennec Plugin
f you find this helpful help me to do more:
This is the link of the documentation, i will add examples.
This addon have useful tools like different extend tools, convert Grasshopper script to geometry, modified pipe , math tools , text tools and more.
Feel free to contact me if you find errors, and if you don’t like it simply remove them from library
The default location of ghpy files is:
Created by : Seghier Mohamed Abdelaziz
Architect & Designer
Algeria – 2022