Grasshopper Gelatinous Cube
Gelatinous Cube is a set of discrete spatial modelling tools for Grasshopper. What does that mean? It takes a ‘space’ either a rectangle (‘pixel space‘) or bounding box (‘voxel space‘) and allows these pixels/voxels to be given values. These pixels/voxels are given values via Charges (Section 1 of the Gelatinous Cube Sub-Category) and rendered out via a series of predefined algorithms (e.g. Marching Squares/Cubes).
Related Lessons & Examples
Distance Curve Charge
Marching Cubes
Perlin noise 2D
Perlin noise 3D
Wave Collapse 2D
Wave On Surface
Download Gelatinous Cube Plugin
Gelatinous Cube Plugin
Gelatinous Cube is a set of discrete spatial modelling tools for Grasshopper. What does that mean? It takes a ‘space’ either a rectangle (‘pixel space‘) or bounding box (‘voxel space‘) and allows these pixels/voxels to be given values. These pixels/voxels are given values via Charges (Section 1 of the Gelatinous Cube Sub-Category) and rendered out via a series of predefined algorithms (e.g. Marching Squares/Cubes).
Unlike other packages Gelatinous Cube allows for charge values to be managed from a referenced Rhino Objects User Text as to assist in managing a large number of charges without introducing Spagetti Code into your project [This currently is still in development and requires a rhino recompute or use of the Grasshopper Pipeline to get running in real time].
A standard Gelatinous Cube workflow, looks at setting up charges that define the values within a pixel/voxel space that can either be operated upon again (e.g. Reaction Diffusion) and eventually rendered out.