
Grasshopper WASP

Wasp is a Grasshopper plug-in, developed in Python, offering combinatorial tools to design with discrete elements. The description of each part includes all information necessary for the aggregation process (part geometry, connections location and orientation). The connections define the topological graph of the part, which is used to define the possibilities of aggregation with other parts. Wasp offers a series of aggregation procedures, allowing geometry- and data-driven generation of structures. Additionally, it provides tools for constraining the resulting aggregation, both at the local and global level, as well as utilities to visualize and process it.

Related Lessons & Examples

Freeform aggregation
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the WASP plugin and model a freeform aggregation algorithm.
Neighbour Aggregator
In this Grasshopper Example File,You can use the Wasp plugin to generate a Stochastic aggregation wi...
Stochastic Hexagons
In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial for beginners we will learn how to use the Wasp plugin (Stochasti...
Surface field aggregation
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the WASP plugin and model an aggregation based on the Surfac...
Wasp Aggregation
In this Grasshopper script, you can create a parametric aggregation form by using the Wasp plugin.
Wasp Field Aggregation
In this Grasshopper script, you can create a parametric aggregation pattern by using the field aggre...
Wasp Lego design
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the WASP plugin to design a pavilion with Lego parts.

WASP Plugin


Wasp is a Grasshopper plug-in, developed in Python, offering combinatorial tools to design with discrete elements. The description of each part includes all information necessary for the aggregation process (part geometry, connections location and orientation). The connections define the topological graph of the part, which is used to define the possibilities of aggregation with other parts. Wasp offers a series of aggregation procedures, allowing geometry- and data-driven generation of structures. Additionally, it provides tools for constraining the resulting aggregation, both at the local and global level, as well as utilities to visualize and process it.



Wasp is free and open-source. Its development is supported by its users through the Wasp Patreon Page. To them goes a great Thank You for enabling Wasp to continue growing:

Arushi Agarwal, Joseph Arc, Georgios Bekakos, Joshua Bonamy, Émile Brochu, Анд Рей, Andrés Caicedo, Adam Colestock, Arjen Deetman, diff-arch, Robert Dooley, Ibrahim Dusmukhamedov, Max Fagan, Flux Estudio, Mark Foxworth, Nupur Gandhi, Mohammad Ghassani, Simon Greuel, Vahe Haroutounian, Lediano Hasanaj, Clemente Hernandez, Markus Hudert, Soubhi Jabal, Ayush Kamalia, Andrei Kazlouski, Lucie Ketelsen, Lothar Kolbeck, Arayapon Kumjornpreecha, Littieri M. Lamb, 娉婷 李, Joseph Loga, Lucho, Marcus, Martyn Milligan, Mai Thi Nguyen, Eric Pham, Thanat Prathnadi, Anton Savov, Naitik Sharma, Eleni Maria Skevaki, Alexander Stefas, 庆铃 王, Andrea Tomalini, Domonkos Tóth, TreeAsHouse, Μαρία Χατζητζίβα, Michael Walsh, Jake Wilson, Roger Winkler, Lei Zhang


Early development of Wasp have been carried out by Andrea Rossi as part of research on digital materials and discrete design at DDU Digital Design Unit  of TU Darmstadt, led by Prof. Oliver Tessmann.

Wasp is heavily influenced by Ladybug Tools, a free and open source environmental suite for Grasshopper. It is using its code template, and follows the Labybug code organization. Some methods from Ladybug may have also been copied.