
Grasshopper Jackalope

Jackalope is included with Grasshopper in Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 for Windows and Mac It’s a plugin that implements the standard Rhino space morph operations: Bend, Flow, Maelstrom, Splop, Splorph, Stretch, Taper, and Twist.

Related Lessons & Examples

Flow Along Curve
In this grasshopper example file, you can re-align a mesh box from a base curve to a target curve.

Jackalope Plugin

Jackalope is included with Grasshopper in Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 for Windows and Mac It’s a plugin that implements the standard Rhino space morph operations: Bend, Flow, Maelstrom, Splop, Splorph, Stretch, Taper, and Twist.