Armadillo Parametric Pavilion

Armadillo Pavilion

The “Armadillo” pavilion is the result of a commission made to the students of the subject of Parametric Architecture and Digital Manufacturing , at the School of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU).

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The “Armadillo” pavilion is the result of a commission made to the students of the subject of Parametric Architecture and Digital Manufacturing , at the School of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), with the aim of creating a space for Intimate work, in a large and open workshop.

The installation had to create privacy and allow light to pass through, using cardboard as the only material in a standard size, determined by the laser cutting machine (600 x 900 mm). Based on these conditions, a pavilion with an S-shaped plan has been proposed, delimiting two independent spaces that are in turn connected with an intermediate step. The enclosure curves inwards as it rises in height with the intention of closing the space.

The structure consists of a modular system. Rotating and intersecting the panels together creates a stable design on its own. In this way the pieces are adjusted to the maximum dimensions required and the assembly can be carried out without any type of adhesive.

To achieve a greater entrance of light, the plates have been drilled according to their proximity to light entrances and dwarfing the holes in areas where greater privacy is required. The result is a design that consists of 741 pieces , all different from each other and by numbering them, assembly has been facilitated. The overall dimensions are 7 meters long, 4.5 wide and 2.2 high.

The material used has been 1.5 cm honeycomb cardboard to achieve the necessary stability. The duration of the cut of the pieces in the laser cutting machine and the assembly has been 50 hours and 2 hours respectively.

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