Biomimicry Architecture #1

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Parametrichouse: In this biomimicry architecture project we are taking a look at the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2016-2017 as an example for Biomimicry. The team studied how the larvae spin silk “hammocks” that stretch between a leaves to develop key principles for long-span -fibrous construction.Mimicking with the moth’s webs, the resulting pavilion features a bending-active substructure combined with a wound fibre reinforcement, as well as alternating orientation fibres.
The team also developed a multi-stage fibre-laying processes to make the complex three-dimensional geometries.

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

Biomimicry Architecture #1 - Carbon Fibre pavilion

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