Grasshopper linketix
Linketix is a Live Physics Engine for simulating Mechanisms & Kinetic design.
Related Lessons & Examples
3D Scissor Mechansim
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate a 3D scissor structure by using the Linketix plug...
Gear Simulation
In this grasshopper example, you can create series of parametric gears and simulate them using the L...
Gear Simulation 03
In this grasshopper example file, you can model an Iris mechanism and simlulate it using the Linketi...
Linkage Mechanism 01
In this grasshopper example, you can create a linkage machanism with a set of hexogonal & trinaglula...
Radial Gear
In this grasshopper example, you can create series of radial gear modules which can be simulated by...
Radial Scissor Linkage
In this grasshopper example, you create a parametric radial scissor mechanism by using the Linketix...
Scissor From Polyline
In this grasshopper example you can create a scissor structure from a polyline by using the Linketix...
Two layer Mechanism
In this grasshopper example, you can create a two layer mechanism with a series of Three-Pointed mod...
Two-Layer linkage
In this grasshopper example, you can create series of two-layer linkage mechanisms using the Linketi...
Download linketix Plugin
linketix Plugin
Linketix is a Live Physics Engine for simulating Mechanisms & Kinetic design.
With Linketix you can Simulate or Design :
- Auxetic Materials
- Linkage mechanisms
- Scissor Structures
- 2D Mechanisms
- Gear Simulation