
Grasshopper NUCLEI

The plugin consists of a multithreaded simulation core and a set of tools for defining particle behaviors as well as their environment. Nuclei features unique voxel implementations for a powerful approach where particles adapt their behavior based on the highly customizable environment.

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The plugin consists of a multithreaded simulation core and a set of tools for defining particle behaviors as well as their environment. Nuclei features unique voxel implementations for a powerful approach where particles adapt their behavior based on the highly customizable environment.

The Physarum Polycephalum algorithm mechanics are based on Jeff Jones’ paper titled Characteristics of Pattern Formation and Evolution in Approximations of Physarum Transport Networks.

Madalin Gheorghe@madalin_gheorghe

Drag and drop Nuclei2.gha onto the grasshopper canvas or paste it into %AppData%/Grasshopper/Libraries folder.
Make sure to unblock it by right-clicking on the Nuclei2.gha file and clicking ‘Unblock’.
It works on both Windows and Mac.

Additional Plugins Appearing Throughout The Example Files:
Turning Data to Volume: Dendro
Fancy Preview: GhGL – install via PackageManager in Rhino7 for Windows

Free to use. Hundreds of hours and thousands of lines of code have been devoted to this tool. Please include credits wherever it is appropriate.
If you find bugs or have a suggestion for improvement, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected]

I would like to make special thanks to DesignMorphine for all the support during the development of the plugin and to all the students that participated in the webinars and especially the DM Masters Programme.