HypoSurface Interactive Installation


The Hyposurface is comprised by a matrix of actuators, which are given positional information via a highly efficient bus system as well as an array of electronic sensors used to trigger a variety of mathematical deployment programs.

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Designed by Mark Goulthorpe of dECOi Architects, the Aegis project consists of an interactive mechanical surface that deforms in real-time based on various environmental stimuli, including the sounds and movements of people, weather, and electronic information. The Hyposurface is comprised by a matrix of actuators, which are given positional information via a highly efficient bus system as well as an array of electronic sensors used to trigger a variety of mathematical deployment programs.


The Hyposurface effectively elevates a highly responsive pneumatic mechanical system to a level of articulate and fluid control through its interception by a highly performative digital control. dECOi Architects’ goal for the Aegis Hyposurface is “to utterly radicalize architecture by announcing the possibility of dynamic form, and to then explore the cultural possibilities afforded by this new medium. It is, of course, a harbinger of nanotechnology—the intersection of information and matter itself.”


HypoSurface is a physically dynamic display medium – a literally moving screen. It is a powerfully visceral new medium that seems to elicit strange behavior and excitement from all ages! It is physically interactive to sound and movement, and combines a generative sound and movement logic with projection of light and image. As such it is an immersive dynamic architecture, demonstrating new potentials for the linkage of information and form, a precursor to a radical new fluidity.

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