Parametric Design furniture
Michaela Crie Stone lives and works in Rockport, Maine, where she creates pieces that push the parameters of function by blurring the lines between art, craft, and design.
Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang is the largest automobile theme park in Korea, located about 40min northwest of Seoul. Its extensive facilities host a large exhibition on four levels in which visitors get a chance to learn about how cars are manufactured and how they function in a fun and entertaining way. Already from the first stage of the competition for this project Ideen und Klang collaborated with the team of Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG in Stuttgart in a joint venture in order to form an interdisciplinary team of both companies. After creating the overall sound concept for the complete facilities, they composed and designed sounds for every area of the exhibition and most of the common areas (hallways, elevators etc). This holistic approach enabled them to turn the Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang into a rich auditive environment that forms a coherent entity with the Hyundai brand.
When entering the exhibition, visitors embark on an emotional journey that takes them through every phase of car manufacturing. A lot of the knowledge is conveyed via hands-on interaction. Designers have given each area its own distinct auditive character by means of multichannel soundscapes, film soundtracks, interactive sound installations and a wfs sound story. The highlight of the exhibition is the Design Area featuring a beautifully designed kinetic sculpture and a spectacular 360 degree film presentation for which they have created multichannel sound design and music.
Michaela Crie Stone lives and works in Rockport, Maine, where she creates pieces that push the parameters of function by blurring the lines between art, craft, and design.
in this video, you can look at different parametric towers with parametric designs.
Drone based technology is the solution to overcome the limitation of surface road capacity in cities.
Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real-time.
Parametric Tools for Architects & Designers @2025
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