O-STRIP Pavilion Digital Fabrication

O-STRIP Pavilion

O-STRIP Pavilion is one of the projects in Tongji University’s Fabrication workshop that aims to bring back the liveliness of the place. The site is located at a sinking space of the teaching building, which connected with an indoor exhibition hall.

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O-STRIP Pavilion is one of the projects in Tongji University’s Fabrication workshop that aims to bring back the liveliness of the place. The site is located at a sinking space of the teaching building, which connected with an indoor exhibition hall. In non- exhibition time, there is few people using this space, and the space itself becomes negative.

How to energize this place? The key is the strong representational power of the new structure, which can attract passers-by. Computational technology made complex-structure clear and speed up fabrication process. At the same time, the pavilion will be available for all kinds of campus activities.

This project uses parametric design technology. As the constrained fabrication agenda and limited budget, designers focus more on the possibility of materials and fabrication techniques. The final structure consists of 484 unique pieces, which, once gathered, created a 3D curved loop.

This unusual form incites curiosity of passer-bys, moreover, it accepts different activities and events. Thanks to the parametric design techniques, the fabrication process has been well controlled, which is the exact geometry generation to piece labeling, assembly logic and actual fabrication.

O-STRIP Pavilion is a powerful campus attractor. It not only attracts architecture students and professors, but also the uninitiated, who bring a lot of informal activities here, thus proving to be more than an unimportant temporary shelter. Furthermore, it successfully provides a flexible and comfortable space for variable events such as tea party, dating, photography, etc.

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