Pendulum Casa V
Pendulum Casa V by ART+COM Studio is a kinetic sculpture created for the private residence of an art collector in Mexico City. Situated in an inner entrance area of the house, the sculpture moves through a vertical void between the ground and first floors.
Pendulum Casa V is a kinetic composition that draws on the poetry of reflection and precise, seemingly weightless movement in space. Inspired by kinetic art of the twentieth-century avant-garde, its materials, dynamism, and expression speak the language of the twenty-first century and computational design.
The sculpture is made up the bifilar suspension of twenty, circular, reflective pendulums that can each be moved by two motors. Horizontal and vertical movement of the pendulums is enabled by their suspension on two, independently controllable wires, so that both very dense, focused shapes and very open ones can be realized with the twenty pendulums.
The discs move in continuous dialog with each other, constantly creating new abstract patterns with flowing movements. At times they appear to be following one another; other times their movements look more autonomous.
The reflections of the copper-plated discs set up a relationship between the sculpture, the surrounding space and the artworks in it. Different viewpoints yield different reflections, images and references to the space and its objects. At night, the sculpture is complemented with directional light that generates an interplay of reflection and shadow in space.