PowerStruct (Vault Structure)
The patented vault-structuring technique is based on an unique principle of bionic self-organization and is there-fore particularly gentle to materials and surfaces. By using PowerStruct, components can be built up to 40% lighter com-pared to unstructured materials. A pre-finished surface quality remains virtually unchanged during the forming process.
PowerStruct offers several synergies for innovative solutions to improve the competitiveness of end-products while sustaining resources. Depending on the application and requirements, different variations are available. Therefore, the family of PowerStruct has been developed: PowerStruct can be manufactured as sheet or coil material, while the structure sizes and depths are adjustable. Due to the gentle forming process, a large variety of materials such as sheet metals of all kinds, paper and cardboard, and plastics can be enhanced with PowerStruct. The maximum thicknesses of steel is approximate 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm for aluminium.
The increased rigidity offers up to 40%material and weight- savings depending on the stress situation. Disturbing droning (body noise) of vibratingcomponents is highly reduced. During the gentle vault-structuring process pre-finished (e.g. painted) surfaces are completely preserved.