Buildings Printed by Robots - the Future of Architecture

Buildings Printed by Robots

This parametric design video is about the future of architecture: 3d printed buildings. 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way humans manufacture and build things, from the small scale to the very large. By combining robots with 3D printing, KUKA partner Branch Technology, working with the architects at Gould Turner Group

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This parametric design video is about the future of architecture: 3d printed buildings. 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way humans manufacture and build things, from the small scale to the very large. By combining robots with 3D printing, KUKA partner Branch Technology, working with the architects at Gould Turner Group, is fundamentally shifting the way architects and designers approach not only the building of a final structure, but also the way that structure is designed from beginning to end. It’s exciting stuff and sure to set your brain thinking about all the possibilities.

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