
Grasshopper Ngon

Mesh NGon for Grasshopper: NGon Create, Vertex, Edge, Face Adjacency queries, Subdivide, Planarize, Transform, Utilities. Please check the example files to understand the workflow. For bugs write an email: [email protected] or post on McNeel forum.

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Ngon Plugin

Mesh NGon for Grasshopper: NGon Create, Vertex, Edge, Face Adjacency queries, Subdivide, Planarize, Transform, Utilities. Please check the example files to understand the workflow. For bugs write an email: [email protected] or post on McNeel forum.

NGon is Free. Free as “Free speech”, not as “Free coffee”.  NGon can be supported: link. Developing and maintaining software takes time and resources (no magic here). If you can’t, at least send an email and say thanks 😉



Option 1:

(For Rhino6 type in the command-line TestPackageManager, for Rhino7 PackageManager)

Option 2:

Add downloaded .zip file to: …\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries. Unblock only the .zip file if you see the unblock button. Then unzip all the files.


Petras Vestartas, Aryan Rezaei Rad (2021). NGon: Tool for Mesh Processing and Timber Engineering Design.



title = {{NGon}: Tool for mesh processing and engineering design},

author = {Petras vestartas, Aryan Rezaei Rad},

url = {},

keywords = {Nexorades},

doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4550592},

year = {2021} }


Following are open-source libraries used in the following components:

1. Remeshing. From Geometry3Sharp by Ryan Schmidt

2. BFS.  From Boundary First Flatenning by Rohan Sawhney, Keeenan Crane.

3. For structural analysis install COMPAS and COMPAS_FEA: