Affective Architecture

Feather-inspired social media data processing for
generating developable surfaces: Prototyping an affective
Prototyping an affective architecture

Chenjun Liu1, Tsung-Hsien Wang2, Mark Meagher3, Chengzhi Peng4
1,2,3,4University of Sheffield

This paper by Chenjun Liu, Tsung-Hsien Wang, Mark Meagher and Chengzhi Peng presents the development of an interactive installation intended as a prototype of experimental affective architecture connected with social media data processing. Social moods and emotions are now spread more widely and faster than ever before due to pervasive uses of social media platforms.

Authors explore how data processing of users’ expressions and sharing of moods/emotions through social media can become a source of influences on shaping the form and behaviour of interactive architecture.

The interactive prototyping method includes (1) a feather-inspired data-to-shape rule system together with the ShapeOp Library for generating strips as developable surfaces, (2) a physical computing platform built with Arduino micro-processor and shape memory alloy springs for actuation, and (3) physical model-making.

As a prototype of social media aware affective architecture, an interactive installation design is proposed for a campus space where the actuation of the strip installation is linked to data processing of Twitter messages collated from users on campus.

Authors reflect on the prototyping methodology and the implications of an architecture affected by people’s expression of moods/emotions through social media.

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