parametric modelling and climate-based metrics

Daylight Strategies

The purpose of this research by Shahab Din Rahimzadeh is to assess daylight performance of buildings with climatic responsive envelopes with complex geometry that integrates shading devices in the façade.

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Shahab Din Rahimzadeh
Thesis Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design
School of Design, Creative Industry Faculty
Queensland University of Technology

Daylight devices are important components of any climate responsive regular façade systems. But, the evolution of parametric CAD systems and digital fabrication has had an impact in architectural form and regular forms are shifting to complex geometries.

Architectural and engineering integration of daylight devices in envelopes with complex geometries is a challenge in terms of their design and performance evaluation. The purpose of this research by Shahab Din Rahimzadeh is to assess daylight performance of buildings with climatic responsive envelopes with complex geometry that integrates shading devices in the façade.

To this end two case studies are chosen due to their complex geometries and integrated daylight devices. The effect of different parameters of the daylight devices is analysed through Climate base daylight metrics (CBDM). The case studies are based on the Esplanade buildings in Singapore and Kunsthaus Graze in Austria.

Climate base daylight metrics such as Daylight Availability and Useful Daylight Illuminance are used. DIVA (daylight simulation), and Grasshopper (parametric analysis) plug-ins for Rhinoceros have been employed to examine the dynamic range of performance possibilities.

Parameters such as dimension, inclination of the device, projected shadows and shape have been change in order to maximize Daylight Availability and Useful Daylight Illuminance while minimizing glare probability.

The results show that while Esplanade building orientation did not have a great impact in the results, aperture of the shading devices with a projection of 1.75 m and 2.00 m performed best, achieving target lighting levels without issues of glare.

Also nozzle orientation from the east and south did have a great impact in the results, aperture of the nozzle devices with a projection of 0.75 m performed best achieving target lighting levels in Kunsthaus Graze.

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