Flat sheets to curved geometries

From flat sheets to curved geometries: Origami and kirigami approaches

By: Sebastien J.P. Callens Amir A. Zadpoor
Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology

Flat sheets to curved geometriesTransforming flat sheets into three-dimensional structures has emerged as an exciting manufacturing paradigm on a broad range of length scales. Among other advantages, this technique permits the use of functionality-inducing planar processes on flat starting materials, which after shape-shifting, result in a unique combination of macro-scale geometry and surface topography.
Flat sheets to curved geometries

Fabricating arbitrarily complex three-dimensional geometries requires the ability to change the intrinsic curvature of initially flat structures, while simultaneously limiting material distortion to not disturb the surface features. The centuries-old art forms of origami and kirigami could offer elegant solutions, involving only folding and cutting to transform flat papers into complex geometries.
Flat sheets to curved geometries

Although such techniques are limited by an inherent developability constraint, the rational design of the crease and cut patterns enables the shape-shifting of (nearly) inextensible sheets into geometries with apparent intrinsic curvature. Here, we review recent origami and kirigami techniques that can be used for this purpose, discuss their underlying mechanisms, and create physical models to demonstrate and compare their feasibility.
Flat sheets to curved geometries
Moreover, we highlight practical aspects that are relevant in the development of advanced materials with these techniques. Finally, we provide an outlook on future applications that could benefit from origami and kirigami to create intrinsically curved surfaces.
Flat sheets to curved geometries

Flat sheets to curved geometries
Flat sheets to curved geometries


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