Freeform Structures
Architectural and Structural Design of Freeform Structures – Case Study
K. Károlyfi1, G. László2, F. Papp3, R. Bükkösi4
1,2,3,4Széchenyi István University, Dep. of Structural and Geotechnical
Egyetem tér 1., 9026, Győr, Hungary
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
This article by K. Károlyfi, G. László, F. Papp and R. Bükkösi, describes the conceptual design process of an equestrian centre, presenting the covered stadium of the building complex in detail, designed it as a free-form, wide-span steel structure.
The main goal of this study is to present the application of the parametric design method through a case study and to examine the interoperability opportunities between architectural and structural design software.
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