Generative BIM

Its Influence in the Design Process

Naim Korqa
Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Architecture is a process of continuous change and innovation, which is influenced by technology. The traditional paper-based design has been replaced by Computer Aided Design (CAD) at the end of XX century, facilitating the editing and revision over the process. Nevertheless, conventional CAD tools do not support change efficiently, limiting the exploration of complex solutions.

The introduction of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) approach in the beginning of the XXI century, was a revolution in the design process, due to its capacity to handle change and mainly due to production and integration of the whole design information. Still, it only worked well up to a certain level of project complexity.

In addition, Generative Design (GD) was introduced in the design process as a disruptive approach that efficiently handles change and data complexity. Nevertheless, it requires significant changes in the traditional workflow of the architect.

It is the intent of this dissertation by Naim Korqa to study these changes in the design process and also propose new design methods that take advantage of the GD approach. This thesis analyses the current design processes and also the impact of new technologies, with its main perspective towards BIM approach.

By taking advantage of BIM, author propose new computational methods for design and a new workflow to achieve better performance in architecture.

Generative BIM

Generative BIM

Generative BIM

Generative BIM

Generative BIM

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