InfraBIM and Interoperability

To assist the designer during the different design stages, plenty of technological advances have occurred in computer science during the past years. BIM methodology is primarily consolidated in the building sector, however is having a great incidence in the civil engineering environment improving the process constantly.

The project by Paulina Tovo is a concrete application of BIM methodology focused on the implementation of Maintenance Plan and on a collaborative work. The thesis development was based on Variante di Demonte project, which is a real case that it has not yet been built.  The main goal of the thesis is the implementation of the viaduct maintenance program using BIM procedure and to investigate how work in a collaborative way with the software selected. The paper is divided into different parts that clearly describe the methodology utilized. Through the application of several software, a 4D bridge model will be obtained.

The first part consists in a description of the case study (Variante di Demonte project) and in a theoretical research about BIM characteristics and its implementation, with the objective of providing an initial overview of the BIM methodology. The second part includes an explanation of the steps that have been followed for the road context modelling, the result has been used as a base to locate the bridge structure. The third part is regarding the creation of the parametric model of the bridge, with a specific focus on the interoperability between the software that have been used.

Finally, in the last part of the thesis the bridge elements are associated with the timetable and information of the maintenance plan. It has also been generated a simulation with the aim of enabling the visualization of the progress of the maintenance activities over time.  In addition, it has been simulated the communication and collaboration between stakeholder through the definition of a central model, which contains information inherent to the models created by each part.


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