The Airshell Prototype
This paper by Alessandro Liuti, Sofia Colabella, and Alberto Pugnale, presents the construction of Airshell, a small timber gridshell prototype erected by employing a pneumatic formwork.
This paper by Paul Nicholas, Mateusz Zwierzycki, David Stasiuk, Esben Nørgaard Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, introduces concepts and methodologies for multiscale modeling in architecture, and demonstrates their application to support bi-directional information flows in the design of a panelized, thin skinned metal structure.
Parameters linked to the incremental sheet forming fabrication process, rigidisation, panelization, and global structural performance are included in this information flow. The term multiscale refers to the decomposition of a design problem into distinct but interdependent models according to scales or frameworks, and to the techniques that support the transfer of information between these models.
Authors describe information flows between the scales of structure, panel element, and material via two mesh-based approaches. The first approach demonstrates the use of adaptive meshing to efficiently and sequentially increase resolution to support structural analysis, panelization, local geometric formation, connectivity, and the calculation of forming strains and material thinning.
A second approach shows how dynamically coupling adaptive meshing with a tree structure supports efficient refinement and coarsening of information. The multiscale modeling approaches are substantiated through the production of structures and prototypes.
This paper by Alessandro Liuti, Sofia Colabella, and Alberto Pugnale, presents the construction of Airshell, a small timber gridshell prototype erected by employing a pneumatic formwork.
In this paper by Gregory Charles Quinn, Chris J K Williams, and Christoph Gengnagel, a detailed comparison is carried out between established as well as novel erection methods for strained grid shells by means of FE simulations and a 3D-scanned scaled physical model in order to evaluate key performance criteria such as bending stresses during erection and the distance between shell nodes and their spatial target geometry.
In this paper by Frederic Tayeb, Olivier Baverel, Jean-François Caron, Lionel du Peloux, ductility aspects of a light-weight composite gridshell are developed.
In this paper by Julian Lienhard, Holger Alpermann, Christoph Gengnagel and Jan Knippers structures that actively use bending as a self forming process are reviewed.
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