Parametric Process

The Parametric Process: A Strategic Analysis on Digital Design
Technology in Landscape Architecture

Christine Pedersen
In partial fulfilment of requirements
for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture
in Landscape Architecture
The University of Guelph, April, 2020

Digital design technology is emerging in landscape architecture, however, there is a gap in design education and in practice regarding skills training and knowledge pertaining to digital design technology.

The objective of this study by Christine Pedersen is to investigate the efficiencies of using ‘parametric design’ for landscape designs and in the practice of landscape architecture. A comparative case study analysis of three landscape architecture practices who utilize parametric design was investigated, along with the creation of a questionnaire that was sent to key informants who specialize in parametric design, was used to evaluate the efficiencies and value of parametric technology.

A 3D- model prototype was generated using Rhinoceros (Rhino3D) and Grasshopper to test the ‘parametric process’ against the ‘traditional’ analogue design process. This research is intended to determine whether adopting parametric technology into landscape designs can be so efficiently, while also serving as a precedent for further research in design technology.

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